Isnin, 1 Ogos 2011

Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

More ministers won't help sorry state of Indians

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 01:59 AM PDT

It may seem like a historic feat for Prime Minister Najib Razak to return to how his father had run his cabinet way back in the 70s with two Indians being given a full ministership.

During that time it was Sambanthan and Manickavasagam - but all that changed after Samy Vellu took over from Manickavasagam in 1979 and today after 32 years are we getting two ministers.

But will these two ministerships bring in the actual reform initiatives that the Indians need?

Will the two ministers be given portfolios that can uplift the Indians from the years of neglect? Or will it be another sweetener to get Indian votes and then make them beggars again?

Take education as a prime example; when we see the day when Chinese and Tamil languages be brought back as a Pupil's Own Languages (POL) subject in our national schools? Why can't we be like Singapore, the nearest country whose example that we can learn from, where we see that knowing another language is important and it helps them secure places in universities and scholarships later as they further their studies.

Here it is always about race and positions. Today's schools' leadership roles are all dominated by the Malays; will we see more Indian headmasters and headmistresses appointed? Will we see more Indian males being given a chance and encouraged to take up teaching as a profession and staying in schools to teach and mould our future generations, just like what they did in the yesteryears?

What the current set of MIC leaders have forgotten is that as they had concentrated on amassing wealth when they found that all their pleas were falling on deaf ears, the Indians were going through a phase of transformation from rural agricultural based livelihoods to becoming the new urban underclass. They had no other alternative but to come to the urban areas when their estates cashed in on the lucrative land track deals that land hungry developers were after.

With the emergence of this new underclass coupled with the fact that many Indians were retiring from civil service and not being replaced by Indians but by Malays, the Indians were simply left to fend for themselves.

Some had connections, whilst others had an opportunity to enter into the 'Ali Baba' mode of doing business. It did help somewhat but the vast majority where simply left behind.

Without much education except that for mother tongue education, many from this urban underclass had to look to other means to survive. Crime was one of the easiest ways out and that is one reason why the Indians form the majority of those who are being held under the Emergency Ordinance(EO) in Simpang Renggam, Johor.

Will the two ministers address these issues and allow the hardworking Indians a chance to show their mettle without succumbing to the 'Ali Baba' model? Will Indians be given loans? Will we see Indian appointment in government linked companies (GLCs) ?

Can we see Indians being allowed to own and run petrol stations? Will we see Indians who are now doing well in the scrap metal business be encouraged to go big in the metal industry and become the next Laskmi Mittal?

Or will these two ministers tell the Indians that they will have to succumb to the 'Ali Baba' model after all, and depend on the Malays for licenses, sub-contracts and other forms of government hand-outs which are dished out to the Malays first as part of 'affirmative action', who then sell them to the Chinese and the Indians?

Instead of giving two full ministerships, it will be better to have bold and courageous Indian leadership who will question the PM and his cabinet if there has been negligence and neglect like what we saw in the death in police custody of A Kugan, and ask that Indian equity be raised based on the ability of the Indians in free market without begging the Malays for licenses and forcing them to take on bumi sleeping partners just for the sake of fulfilling the 30 percent stake that the Malays demand, without lifting a finger?

None of the current set of MIC leaders have been bold enough to debate with the government on fundamental constitutional rights and human rights. It has always been the opposition Indian leaders, who always have to pay the price for being bold enough to demand that the government responds, so will giving two full ministerships do any good here?

Further with most of the current set of MIC leaders being educated in the 'Samy Vellu School of Politics and Social Governance' of the Indians, we can expect more camps and factions amongst the party members instead of good and healthy competition.

Furthermore, the two full ministers will have to have the courage to debate with the Malays in the education ministry as to why the novel Interlok was introduced as a history textbook when there are better books written before by other well known educationists in the country of whom many were Indians.

What the two full ministers will have to do is to make sure that the Malays understand what the concept of equality is and the Indians believe in the concept of equality, instead of simply accepting whatever that has been stated in Article 153 of the federal constitution.

The Indian founding fathers may have traded these rights for a right to stay here and become citizens but today after nearly 800 years of history and active relations for the past 300 years, aren't we Indians also the 'putras' of this 'bumi' ?

Why must we tolerate being called and made fun of as pariahs and pendatangs? Why must the term 'go back to India' come to the forethought of Malay politicians each and every time there is a spat with the Indians?

Why must we stomach the threat of revoking citizenships? Will the two ministers stand up for this?

Therefore having two Indian ministers in the cabinet is not enough, it must dawn on the prime minister that he is not just a PM for the Malays but he must acknowledge that Chinese and Indians also make up what we call Malaysians, and their problem is a Malaysian problem which every leader be it Malay, Chinese or Indian will have to share and try to solve to make live better and equal for everyone.

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IGP and deputy, step down for lying to public

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 11:24 PM PDT

On behalf of the party, PSM would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the brave people for all their effort, solidarity, support and struggle in ensuring the release of our six comrades. We wish to thank the massive support from all quarters – the civil society movements, the NGOs, the legal assistance from the lawyers, Pakatan Rakyat parties the DAP, PKR, PAS as well as PRM.

Also individuals from BN like Khairy Jamaluddin, individuals in Gerakan, MCA and MIC. As well the great solidarity of the International community as well as the international socialist parties all over the world.

We thank all those who have sent letters, solidarity message and participated in online petition, those who lodged police reports, send in memorandum, collected signatures, spoken out, held nightly vigils, held prayers and kept protesting the arrest.

We dedicate this release to all these brave people in Malaysia and all over the world, They are the true heroes who released our six comrades. This is a victory for all those who demanded for change and stood up against oppression. We are humbled by this great support, courage and solidarity.

Five main issues PSM wants to raise:

1. Before we go into that, we would like to express our thanks and gratitude to the wardens and the policemen who according to our released comrades took very good care of them and treated them well and with respect.

The problem is not with the lower ranking policemen but with the top level of the police force. We call for the immediate resignation of the IGP and especially the deputy IGP, both of whom we consider were the main actors in manufacturing lies and fabricating evidence to punish PSM and the EO6.

They have lied to the Malaysians over the last 34 days that

  • PSM is waging war against DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong.
  • PSM trying to revive the MCP
  • PSM working with foreign agents elements to topple the Government
  • PSM is the "penggerak" or the main organiser of BERSIH
Because of this manipulation, the IGP and the DIGP should resign.

2. The arrest and the detention of the PSM6 is unlawful, illegal and in bad faith. The central committee of the party will discuss with our lawyer on the next course of action with regards to this.

3. We call for the AG to drop the case against of the 24 other PSM members and grassroots members who have been charged on other ridiculous grounds related to Bersih 2.0 especially for distributing Bersih leaflets. Bersih was only declared illegal by the Home Ministry on July 2 whereas the 24 were arrested on 25 June. It is therefore a waste of public funds for the government to pursue the charges, and we call upon the AG to drop this case.

4. We call for the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance (EO), Internal Security Act (ISA), as well as the Dangerous Drug Act's special prevention measures that allows detention without trial. All detention without trial laws should go. The government should seek to either charge detainees or release them.

5. PSM will next embark on a nationwide tour to explain to the people the true reason behind the arrests of our members and the conspiracy against PSM, and to continue our call 'Udahlah tu....bersaralah', as well as to thank the people for their support as well as explain

Long live the people! Long live PSM

S Arutchelvan is PSM secretary general.

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