Selasa, 5 Julai 2011

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Media whitewash on non-Malays in civil service

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 02:39 AM PDT

I refer to the commentary by New Straits Times journalist Ben Tan 'Nazi label a disservice to the civil service' published on July 4.

It has been a long while since I read such a squalid and irresponsible piece of journalism by one who has completely missed the trees for the forest. The writer took umbrage to an article 'Isn't a one race civil service a form of apartheid' written by Dr Boo Cheng Hau, Johor DAP state chairman and Skudai state assemblyman posted in the Centre for Policy Initiatives website.

Boo, as a background to his article, narrated an incident when he was a young medical officer in service at a local government hospital, how a Malay nurse decided not to treat a pregnant patient but instead went to a kenduri leaving her tasks and responsibility to a young assistant nurse who was utterly ill-prepared to assist in a surgery.

If Boo by highlighting the ethnicity of the nurse was playing a racial card, it is worth knowing that Boo also highlighted that the young patient lying on the operating table waiting to deliver her baby was a Malay.

Boo further recounted how after the incident when he asked for stern action to be taken against the delinquent nurse, the operating theatre staff instead rallied around the race banner, myopic to the fact that someone belonging to their own ethnic community was about to give birth and she deserved the best medical care.

This unfortunate incident narrated by Boo was a background to his article where the crux was that the Malaysian civil service has transformed overwhelmingly into a single race-dominated civil service. Instead of commending Boo, Tan not only omitted to mention the incident narrated but even worse, concealed the statistics with regard to representation by the ethnicity in the civil service as revealed by Boo.

Instead, Tan chose to select words and highlight phrases from Boo's article which was mischief making since any reader of Tan's bellicose commentary not having read Boo's article first would assume that Boo had written an article with a racist slant.

Nowhere in his article did Boo draw any parallels to Malaysia's civil service with Nazi Germany or that the country is being run along the lines of a totalitarian state akin to the Third Reich of Nazi Germany. That analysis is Tan's infantile journalism.

What Boo in his article wrote was that despite Article 8(2) of the federal constitution which states that all citizens are eligible if suitably qualified by educational standards to enter any branch of the public service, and that there can be no discrimination on grounds of race, religion and the like, in reality the truth is that the Malaysian civil service no longer reflects the country's plural society.

Boo substantiated his argument with data and figures. For example, as of December 31, 2009, the Malaysian civil service comprised 1,247,894 employees. The dwindling to a trickle of non-Malays in the civil service can be seen.

Malay Chinese Indian Others
Before NEP (1971) 60.8% 20.2% 17.4% 1.6%
June 2005 77.04% 9.37% 5.12% 8.47%
Dec 2009 78.20% 5.80% 4.00% 4.20%

The statistics from Johor are even more damning, and shows that the non-Malays are grossly under represented. Last year, at the state assembly, the Johor Menteri Besar Ghani Othman revealed that there are only 126 non-Malays in the 8,372 strong Johor civil service. According to the menteri besar the racial breakdown of the Johor civil service is as follows;

Malays Chinese Indians Others
8,244 (98.47%) 10 (0.12%) 116 (1.39%) 2 (0.02%)

This in a state where out of a total population of almost 3.17 million has 54 percent Malays, Chinese 33 percent and 6 percent Indians. Johor despite having an Indian voter population of approximately 83,000, the Indian representation in the Johor civil service is neither reflective of the total Indian population in the state nor the Indian registered voters. The irony is that at independence 40 percent of the Johor civil service were Indians.

Tan cites his Malay friend who is a rank and file personnel attached with the Johor police contingent who reasons that there is a lack of appeal by non-Malays and monetary rewards in the private sector as the reason why non-Malays are uninterested to join the civil service. That's pure baloney!

The truth is that non-Malays and particularly Indians do want to serve in the civil service but the all too often excuse given is that non-Malays are not interested to work in the civil service. Looking at the statistics provided; it clearly does give a perception that non-Malays have no place in the civil service or the perception rightly or wrongly that they are being weaned out.

Continuing his ramble Tan calls on Boo and others to give solutions as how to increase the participation of non-Malays in the civil service. It would be accountable journalism if Tan can investigate and reveal to the public the genuine steps taken thus far by the government in enticing non-Malays to join the civil service.

Spare us the usual recruitment method purported to have been used –advertisement in the newspapers.. If that is the method being used and reading the data revealing the gross under representation of non-Malays in the civil service, then the present recruitment method has been utter failure.

Since, Tan calls for solutions, for one the government can have a big scale 'Ops Isi Penuh' recruitment drive to attract non-Malays to join the civil service. Get the religious and ethnic based NGO's to help to encourage non-Malays to join the civil service.

I am sure Boo will be able to easily recruit the best and qualified Indians amongst his own Skudai constituents. The question is if the government has the gumption redress the serious racial imbalance in the civil service instead of giving the tired old excuse that non-Malays are not interested to join the civil service.

Tan further writes that that he is "happy to say that I am not forced to wear shirts with a 'saya Cina' patch and or interned in concentration camp or to be ethnically cleansed or gassed to death like how the Nazis did to the Jews," but had Tan read Boo's article with a small modicum of intelligence and reasoning, he could have understood easily what a sensible reader would have easily understood what Boo was actually saying and which would resonate with most Malaysians.

Truth hurts and Boo was just doing that – telling the truth and far from being racist or offensive. Instead, selecting and highlighting certain words from Boo's article, Tan went on a grandstanding journalism.

Tan ends accusing Boo of 'pulling out the racial card such as Nazi labelling, is a cheap trick that desensitise a profound meaning that should be reserved only for its historical significance and the horrors that they were known for. Reading Tan's claptrap, I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln who once said that it is better to remain silent and be thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Those profound words may well apply to Tan's puerile commentary.

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Fascist threats: The same old Umno tricks

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 12:33 AM PDT

The repression by the Umno-led regime leading up to the Bersih rally of July 9 should serve as an eye opener for the youth of today who have not lived through the other orchestrated crises they have created in the past.

Every time the regime has faced a challenge from within Umno itself, such as in 1987 or from without, such as in 1998, the regime has invented a crisis.

Build-up to Operasi Lalang

It was the same during the build-up to Operasi Lalang in 1987 when Umno Youth threatened to hold a 500,000 strong rally in Kuala Lumpur to build on the rally in Kampung Baru where there were banners calling for racial bloodletting.

The Umno Youth leader at the time who excelled at breast-beating was none other than the present prime minister. This was the response to the completely peaceful assembly at the Tian Hou Temple called by the Chinese associations to protest the unreasonable posting of unqualified administrators to the Chinese schools. Operation Lalang was unleashed soon after.

During my detention under Operation Lalang, the Special Branch maintained that the response by Umno Youth was reasonable because they had been provoked by the Chinese associations. That's right, Umno Youth has the state backing for any fascist violence they may choose to unleash against any protests or assemblies even if they are completely peaceful assemblies. They did the same when NGOs organised perfectly peaceful forums on the freedom of religion.

The selective efficiency of the police

Thus, Umno (and now their alter-ego, Perkasa) threatens violence whenever it is convenient for them. And the police, who are usually pretty efficient at putting down peaceful assemblies, can be selective in keeping order whenever these fascist mobs strike.

For example, it took the Malaysian police just twenty minutes to break up the peaceful Kesas Highway demonstration by thousands during the Reformasi years. But the police arrived one hour late during the peaceful East Timor conference in 1996 when it was disrupted by a mob organised by Umno Youth. They were late again in restraining the mob that harassed the anti-Lynas protest in Kuantan recently.

During the racial violence in Kampung Medan in 2001, the police took nearly a week to restore order. They took an even longer time to restore order after the pogrom of May 13 in 1969 – something like two months!

The Suqiu appeals

Again in 1999, Umno Youth threatened to burn down the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall if the Chinese associations did not withdraw their Suqiu demands that had already been accepted by even the BN before the general elections that year.

The leaders of the Chinese associations surrendered to these threats by agreeing to keep in abeyance those appeals that Umno had objected to. The Umno Youth leader who distinguished himself in terrorising Suqiu was none other than the present Home Minister, famed for his keris-wielding machismo at Umno general assemblies.

Detention without trial: Easy to use...just lock them up!

The most convenient method of repression has always been to use detention without trial after the "crisis" created by Umno Youth's threat of fascist violence. The ISA (Internal Security Act) is the most well-known of these repressive apparatuses but in fact of late, more people have been detained through the use of the Emergency Ordinance (EO).

The detention of Dr Kumar and other PSM activists under the EO reflects a new trend in the BN government's use of detention without trial. For years, the EO has been used against alleged gangsters and others involved in criminal activities while the ISA has been the favoured instrument to terrorise dissidents.

Do you see now why the BN government will cling on to the use of detention without trial as long as they can and all the more reason why justice-loving Malaysians must make the abolition of detention without trial top of the democratic agenda?

Must we live in perpetual fear of Umno's threats?

The leaders in Bersih have said they will be seeking audience with the King and will abide by his wisdom. Do we really expect the King to say "Yea, rave on with the rally?" Of course, not! Everyone knows he's going to counsel the Bersih leaders against going through with the July 9 rally. And the Bersih leaders will use it as the reason for calling off the rally.

But since when has the King had to be consulted on the people's struggles? Is this some new insight our constitutional lawyers have recently acquired into our system of constitutional monarchy?

So, what's the lesson in this episode of Malaysian struggles?

Should the rally be called off without any concessions by the BN government toward free and fair elections? If the YDP Agung is to be used as a climb-down accessory, some concession toward free and fair elections must be forthcoming by the BN government. Otherwise, the Bersih leaders must tell us what has been the purpose of planning this rally in the first place.

No, they cannot say they did not anticipate the fascist threats by Umno Youth and Perkasa nor can they say they did not expect the use of detention without trial by the BN government. If no concession by the BN government is forthcoming while the rally is called off, I dare say we have been led up the garden path to July 9!

Kua Kia Soong is director of Suaram.

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