Khamis, 21 Julai 2011

Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Formal ties between M'sia and Vatican welcomed

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 03:12 AM PDT

The International Movement for a Just World (Just) warmly welcomes the establishment of formal diplomatic ties between Malaysia and the Vatican.

Malaysia now joins the majority of the world's nation-states that have forged diplomatic relations with the Vatican. This includes a large number of Muslim majority states.

Ties with the Vatican, it is hoped, will enhance relations between the Muslim majority and the Christian minority in Malaysia.

Muslims and Christians share many common values ranging from a belief in God and respect for the individual person to a strong commitment to the well-being of the weak and disadvantaged and a deep attachment to just and honest governance.

These shared values should be given greater emphasis within Muslim and Christian religious circles, in the education system and in the media in Malaysia.

Diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the Vatican should also spur both Muslims and Christians in Malaysia to combat extremist attitudes within the two communities and to overcome religious prejudices and biases.

Other hurdles pertaining to the misinterpretation and misapplication of certain laws should also be addressed with sincerity and honesty.

At the global level, Malaysia and the Vatican should not only fight violence and terrorism perpetrated in the name of religion but also cooperate with one another in trying to overcome the underlying causes of various global injustices which are mainly responsible for much of the current global turmoil.

Religious elites should not distort and pervert religious teachings to justify and legitimise any form of global injustice.

Dominance and control over global politics and the global economy has sometimes been rationalised through religion.

Malaysian Muslims, Christians and people of other faiths expect the Vatican to adopt a principled position against any such perversion and prostitution of religion.

It is our prayer that with the establishment of diplomatic relations, Malaysia and the Vatican will renew their quest for a just and peaceful world.

Chandra Muzaffar is President of International Movement for a Just World (JUST).

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Gebeng residents mere guinea pigs for Lynas project

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 02:28 AM PDT

All is not quiet on the western front. Some may think they have won the battle. But they have not won the war yet!

Yesterday's Star report (20.7.2011) on 'Lynas to compile residents' health data for future comparison' is laughable.

Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) director general Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan said it would serve as a baseline data for Lynas before the operation began.

"It will be used later to provide a comparison for assessing the operation's impact on the people living in nearby areas such as Balok.

"We will see whether there is any increase of people afflicted with radiation-linked diseases or cancer,'' he said.

It is shocking and unbelievable that the AELB director general could now make such a statement. It clearly shows he is still unsure of the safety level of the Lynas project. His statement only causes more fear and uncertainty and makes a mockery of the whole project.

Instead of cheap talk, the AELB director general should move house from K.L and set up residence in Gebeng, next to the plant. Then he can closely monitor all he wants!

Note: Lynas compilation of data is just for 'future comparison'.

So what if the future health of the people is adversely affected. Nothing is mentioned about compensation.

Is Lynas or the Malaysian government willing to compensate for the 700,000 people whose life will be affected one way or another, in terms of health, lost of economic prospects and business opportunities?

Future tourists and foreign investors will likely avoid Kuantan like a plague.

It is now clear that the Lynas venture is just a 'trial run'. The helpless people of Gebeng and the surrounding areas of Kuantan are used as mere guinea pigs in an immoral experiment of immense proportion by people in power.

The government and Lynas had promised to keep in touch with the people and to keep them informed at every stage of the operation. It is now clear that all those series of talks and consultations are just sandiwara pulling wools over the eyes of the local people.

There is not an iota of sincerity in it. People's views, concern and fears have not been taken in consideration at all!

It is now abundantly clear that the project had been scheduled to proceed right from the beginning, when it was surreptitiously approved without consultation of the people, way back in 2008.

How else can you explain Lynas construction of the plant, now at 40% completion, when they didn't have government approval or sanction in the first place? More importantly, why had the Malaysian government approved it when Australia and its people had vehemently rejected it in the first place?

Lynas can't even convince its own people of the safety of the project! Something does not smell right here. Too much money and power play had been involved.

Now even the government has gone back on its words of 'constant consultation'. Read another report in the Star : Jul 17 : Adnan: We won't talk with 'Stop Lynas' group. The Pahang MB has now refused to talk to the people! What kind of 'people first' government is this?

In spite of all the hoo-hahs and reports, nothing has been concretely mentioned about storage and disposal of the nuclear waste after the twelve years of tax-free operation by Lynas.

Chances are the nuclear waste will be dumped in Kuantan since Australia will not allow any radioactive rare earth residue to be shipped back to her shores! Talk about moral responsibility!

Rumours, speculation and conjectures abound (mainly from people involved in the project) that the hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive residue will be used to make Malaysian highways and roads.... concrete wave-breakers along Malaysian shores ... construction of concrete pillars for bridges and high-rise buildings.... etc... Any supporters to such moronic suggestions out there?

The residents of Kuantan are very disappointed and frustrated to say the least when their fears and concern were turned down by the powers that be.

Now the government has closed the door to legitimate negotiations for compensations in case their health is adversely affected by the radioactive plant.

They also do not want the nuclear waste to be dumped in Kuantan after the lease expires.

Talk about accountability and responsibility! The local residents have been very patient with peaceful negotiations when they found out that the government approved the project without consulting them.

Just don't push them too far... there is always the proverbial last straw which breaks the camel's back ...

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