Isnin, 4 Julai 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

PSM6 terus dinafikan akses pada peguam

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 10:49 PM PDT

Pihak polis menolak usaha kali ketiga peguam untuk mendapatkan akses kepada enam aktivis Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) yang ditahan bawah Ordinan Darurat 1969.

scah ipcmc talk 181207 edmund bonPeguam Edmund Bon memberitahu Malaysiakini pagi ini bahawa polis menolak permohonan mereka untuk bertemu kesemua yang ditahan hari ini.

"Polis menolak lawatan kami pada jam 2.30 petang hari ini," katanya melalui SMS.

Bon mengesahkan bahawa kumpulan peguam akan memfailkan permohonan habeas corpus esok supaya tahanan dibebaskan, meski pun gagal mendapatkan tandangangan mereka untuk afidavit.

Barisan peguam itu akan menemui anggota keluarga mereka untuk memfailkan afidavit untuk permohonan itu, yang mana boleh dicabar kerajaan di mahkamah.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Baju BERSIH: Peniaga diheret ke mahkamah

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 10:48 PM PDT

Seorang peniaga hari ini dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Majistret di Kota Bharu kerana dituduh memakai dan memiliki baju-Tperhimpunan Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH 2.0).

Mohd Amizul Fazly Muhamed Sudin, 33, mengaku tidak bersalah ketika pertuduhan itu dibacakan di hadapan Majistret Azrul Abdullah.

Bagi pertuduhan pertama, Mohd Amizul Fazly didakwa mempamerkan pakaian yang tertera tulisan BERSIH 2.0 di sebuah kedai runcit di Kampung Permatang Piah, Bachok, pada pukul 2.40 petang, dua hari yang lalu, manakala bagi pertuduhan kedua, dia didakwa memiliki enam helai baju-T yang tertera perkataan BERSIH 2.0.

Pertuduhan adalah mengikut Seksyen 47 Akta Pertubuhan 1966, yang jika disabit kesalahan, boleh dihukum penjara tidak lebih dua tahun atau denda tidak melebihi RM5,000 kerana menyiar dan memiliki perkataan yang tertera bagi kepentingan pertubuhan haram.

Azrul kemudiannya menetapkan 10 Ogos ini untuk sebutan semula kes itu di Mahkamah Majistret Bachok dan mengenakan jaminan RM4,000 kepada Mohd Amizul Fazly bagi kedua-dua pertuduhan itu.

Mohd Amizul Fazly diwakili peguam Firdaus Mohd Yusuf, Ahmad Najib Deris dan Abdul Rashid Yah manakala pendakwaan dijalankan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Wan Abdul Razak Hussin

- Bernama

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

PSM six: No proof, so detain them further

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 04:35 AM PDT

It looks like if they don't get you under one law, they will get you under another. That seems to be the case as far as Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and his colleagues are concerned. But this time they used a sledge-hammer just to make sure that they get them.

During the seven days' remand the police did not unearth any incriminating evidence to justify their action against 30 Parti Socialis (PSM) activists for allegedly "waging war against the king". That was the reason stated for remanding these people. Before that, there was talk they could be investigated for sedition.

On the seventh day of their remand, six of them were freed from the Kepala Batas Police Station. The implication of this action was very explicit: the police had actually cleared them of whatever they were originally suspected of being involved in.

In other words, there was no case against them and therefore there was no reason to seek a further remand to continue with the police investigation or to charge them. It was the end of the case and the matter was closed to the satisfaction of the police.

But lo and behold, at the very moment Jeyakumar and his colleagues were freed, police personnel from Bukit Aman immediately re-arrested them! This time they were being arrested under the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969 - the sledge-hammer approach. This ordinance doesn't give you a chance to challenge the arrest and detention.

Originally, this ordinance is meant for suspected goons and gangsters and criminals who habitually indulge in crime and violence; suspected criminals who pose imminent danger to citizens and remain a constant threat to public order.

The activities of Jeyakumar and his colleagues come nowhere near to this said potential danger to the nation. Their activities were never violent or criminal. In fact, they are very concerned and compassionate people who only want to do good that will benefit the discarded and marginalised sectors of our community.

Jeyakumar is noted for devoting his entire life to the care of the less privileged and discriminated urban poor, the neglected estate communities and the largely ignored Orang Asli.

His ways are gentle, his approach is gentlemanly. He has never advocated any violence in the pursuit of justice for the poor, the weak and the meek. It was always persuasion and reasoning that he deployed to seek justice.

Reasoning and rational Malaysians cannot accept any insinuation that he is a danger to public order. In their eyes Jeyakumar is a victim of gross injustice.

Aliran has known Jeyakumar for many years. He is one of our loyal members committed to the aspirations of Aliran. His concerns are exemplary and inspiring. He is a tireless worker for the good of the nation. We reject any allegation of criminal intent on his part. Detaining him under the EO is a terrible injustice to this man of peace.

Aliran calls upon the Barisan Nasional government to be fair and just and free Jeyakumar and his colleagues immediately. Their continued detention does not speak well of our notion of justice or our respect for the rule of law.

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Umno's infighting, not Bersih, causing chaos

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 02:04 AM PDT

The unwarranted recent arrests and accusations against PSM supporters along with Bersih supporters is clearly the result of mismanagement of the nation due to the internal feud between opposing teams within Umno.

A peaceful rally for fair and clean elections would be welcomed in any democratic country but the exacerbated crackdown especially against PSM is nothing but what had similar happened to Hindraf in 2007.

Except for HRP, PAS, PSM or Hindraf, no group within the current forces against Umno can command the loyalty of its supporters as they continue to struggle for the poorer segment of society, rather than pander to political needs.

Similar to Hindraf, PSM has recently faced accusations of being communists as they are easy target, yet except for PAS nobody within the opposition faction had come forward to voice strongly against such malicious allegations against PSM and its supporters, perhaps fearing they will be the collateral damage (such as in losing their grassroots supporters).

Umno with its toothless alliances have lost the plot as they don't represent the grassroots anymore, but are more concerned with how business and politics can be intertwined against natural justice for their community. Just look at Umno's homey mandores, all in silence for fear of losing their power and support.

Dr Mahathir who leads what we shall call Umno's Team B of gang members being naturally Perkasa, Pekida, 3 Line and Muhyddin Yassin needs to wrangle with the other faction, let's call it Team A, to continue the facist hegemony that he started in Umno.

Team A (with their personal excesses and personal baggage that Team B holds in ransom) is falling prey to the antics of their double standards for the fear of losing their support. Meanwhile Team B can freewheel with impunity and shout out loud using religion, veiled threats and Umno based media to feed propaganda of false insecurity to its public.

The Bersih rally is a very good opportunity for Umno's Team A to show the Malaysian public that they are able and willing to accept the democracy process that is enshrined in the Malaysian constitution rather than stifling a genuine call by the public, that is Bersih although somewhat tainted by the participation of Pakatan political parties.

Team A must realise that it is not the dictatorial Dr Mahathir (although he still pulls the strings for Team B) era anymore, but an open society with information flowing freely to enhance the community.

It is an open secret that Umno and its toothless alliances continue to lose grassroots support while the infighting continues.

As Malaysians, Team A should allow the Bersih to proceed and it will portray the magnanimous approach that they have taken for the betterment of the community on their own free will rather than trumpeting a political agenda.

Hindraf, HRP, PAS and PSM are morally-conscious people-based movements for the poorer segment of the society, and we should support the rally or any expression of freedom that enhances the position of this particular community.

As Malaysians we should respect and abide in the cause of humanity in believing in freedom of expression that any individual can practice within a community for the community without the pressure of affiliation or party loyalty.

In practicality all politicians are alike. But it is the voice of humane Malaysians that ensure the poorer segment of the community finds a voice through any platform to address their genuine grievances for changes in policies and governance, and it is definitely a welcomed effort no matter who initiates it.

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