Jumaat, 29 Julai 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Shahrizat sedih k'jaan tak sempat bantu Ashraf

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 10:37 PM PDT

Menteri Pembangunan, Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, melahirkan rasa sedih tidak sempat memberi bimbingan kepada Mohd Ashraf Abdul Aziz yang ingin menukar namanya kepada Aleesha Farhana apabila pemuda itu meninggal dunia, awal pagi tadi.

Mohd Ashraf meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Kuala Terengganu, jam 5 pagi tadi setelah mengalami masalah jantung dan tekanan darah rendah. Shahrizat berkata, kementerian sejak awal menawarkan bimbingan kepada Ashraf kerana berasa prihatin dengan kedudukan pemuda berusia 25 tahun itu, bagaimanapun takdir Allah mendahului segala-galanya.

NONE"Kita dari mula lagi rasa prihatin kerana kedudukan beliau. Pendekatan kami di kementerian buat ialah pendekatan kebajikan dan tidak menghukumkan orang," katanya sebaik tiba di pejabat Wanita Umno di Menara Datuk Onn di Kuala Lumpur, sebelum mempengerusikan mesyuarat pergerakan itu.

"Kita sebaliknya cuba memahami dan membimbing sesiapa juga yang memerlukan bimbingan, terutamanya kepada mereka yang terjebak dalam keadaan terdesak seperti kes Ashraf ini tetapi apakan daya ajalnya sudah tiba," tambahnya.

Beliau turut mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham dan berharap mereka dapat bersabar dan menerima takdir itu dengan hati yang terbuka.

"Kita harap keluarganya menerima takdir ini dengan hati terbuka dan jika keluarganya memerlukan bantuan, diharapkan dapat menghubungi saya (Shahrizat) atau pejabat Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat secepat mungkin," katanya.

Menurut beliau, ajal yang telah ditentukan Allah tidak memungkinkan pihaknya yang menawarkan bantuan bimbingan kepada Mohd Ashraf dapat ditunaikan kerana pemergian mengejutkan itu.

Ahsraf nak jadi Aleesha meninggal duniaAllahyarham yang sebelum ini membibitkan kontroversi selepas memohon kepada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara untuk menukar namanya, menghembuskan nafas terakhir selepas menjalani rawatan di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) hospital itu akibat masalah jantung dan tekanan darah rendah.

Pada 18 Julai lalu, permohonan Mohd Ashraf untuk menukarkan nama dalam Mykadnya kepada nama wanita iaitu Aleesha ditolak oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu selepas mengambil kira tiga faktor iaitu kromosom, kewujudan alat kelamin semasa pemohon dilahirkan dan kewujudan organ dalaman.

Lelaki itu membuat permohonan berkenaan 25 Mei lalu dan menjalani pembedahan menukar jantina di Thailand pada 2009 setelah disahkan layak dari segi psikologi oleh Pusat Perubatan Pantai.

Permohonan dibuat bagi memudahkannya diterima masuk ke universiti tempatan untuk menyambung pelajaran dan kesukarannya menjalani kehidupan sebagai seorang wanita.

- Bernama

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Pesakit mental dikenal pasti bakar HKL

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 10:34 PM PDT

Kebakaran yang berlaku di Bilik Isolasi Pesakit Mental, Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Kuala lumpur (HKL), awal pagi semalam dikenal pasti berpunca daripada tindakan seorang pesakit mental memulakan kebakaran dengan menggunakan pemetik api yang ada padanya.

Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Datuk Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman, berkata punca kejadian pada 12.30 pagi itu diketahui melalui pemerhatian kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di bilik itu.

Katanya ekoran itu api merebak dengan pantas serta mengeluarkan asap tebal sehingga menyebabkan perkhidmatan di Jabatan Kecemasan tergendala.

"Petugas hospital cuba memadamkan api dengan alat pemadam api dan mengeluarkan pesakit. Bagaimanapun api merebak dengan pantas sehingga meragut nyawa pesakit mental berkenaan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Dr Hasan berkata, sebelum kejadian, pesakit mental itu yang bertindak agresif telah dibawa oleh polis dengan diringi dua anggota keluarga ke Jabatan Kecemasan pada 10.15 malam.

Beliau berkata pesakit itu yang pernah menerima rawatan di HKL ditempatkan di Bilik Isolasi Pesakit Mental selaras dengan Prosedur Operasi Standard bagi pesakit mental yang agresif.

Katanya pesakit lain serta petugas Jabatan kecemasan telah dipindahkan keluar sehingga api berjaya dipadamkan oleh anggota pasukan Bomba dan Penyelamat jam 12.55 pagi.

Dr Hasan berkata kejadian itu menyebabkan perkhidmatan di jabatan itu tergendala selama 94 minit dan disambung semula pada 1.20 pagi dan kerosakan hanya melibatkan bilik tersebut.

"Tidak ada pesakit lain atau kakitangan hospital yang tercedera akibat kebakaran. Pemeriksaan bedah siasat pada mayat pesakit itu mendapati punca kematiannya adalah "tersedut asap tebal"," katanya.

Dr Hasan menjelaskan bahawa kematian berpunca kebakaran hanya melibatkan pesakit mental itu sahaja dan bukan dua orang seperti dilaporkan sesetengah akhbar tempatan.

Katanya ini kerana dua kematian lain di unit berkenaan pada ketika itu adalah akibat kemalangan jalan raya.

"Pihak kementerian kesal dengan kebakaran itu dan melahirkan rasa simpati kepada anggota keluarga yang terlibat dan kementerian juga akan membuat penambahbaikan dan tindakan bersesuaian jika hasil siasatan mendapati sebarang kelemahan dalam pengendalian kes," katanya.

- Bernama

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Tony vs Lilian - where's the spat?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 03:39 AM PDT

I take offense with Helen Ang's letter to Malaysiakini titled 'Behind the Tony Yew - Chan Lilian spat'.

I can understand why Helen felt the need to defend herself over a random commentator mentioning of her name. But to go the extra miles of lamenting at the language use and the name calling of the commentator as Pakatan Cheerleader is not just uncalled for but also missing out the big picture.

What was expressed at the comments section of the Malaysiakini letter were a lot of raw emotions and disgust against Tony Yew. It is understandable for he has committed a despicable act.

In Helen's blog entry, 'Tony Yew and Chan Lilian duke it out', Helen made it sounds like a spat is going on between Lilian and Tony. But the fact is, on closer examination in what has happened, there weren't any real exchanges that had taken place between the two at all.

What happened was Lilian had expressed a personal thought by tweeting a message that read "I think all Christians shud march for all the persecution they had done to us and our Lord. Don't you think so? I go sleep now, bye-bye. :)"

Being on Lilian's private follower list, Tony followed her tweets and replied with, "Don't turn a political statement to a religious one. I am demanding a retraction or else I am making a police report tomorrow."

I do not know how Helen could see this as a rational verbal exchange between Tony and Lilian. Tony's reply is a threat, and a demand of tweet retraction.

The problem with Tony's action is that, he received Lilian's tweet because he chose to follow her on Twitter. And for Lilian to tell Malaysiakini that she had added Tony unknowingly means that she had put in place a privacy setting on her Twitter account.

For the uninformed, on Twitter you can't receive tweets from anyone unless you have opted to 'follow' someone's tweets. And also, there is a setting on your Twitter account where you could set your tweets as private, hence people will not be able to follow your tweets unless you have granted them access.

In that case, your tweets are meant for your private consumption and for sharing with your friends. Tony was able to receive Lilian's tweet that would mean that he had sent a request to Lilian to allow him to follow her tweets, and Lilian had granted him the access.

In this scenario, there is an inherent trust given, meaning that Lilian had placed her trust on Tony to follow her private thoughts expressed on Twitter.

For Tony to file a police report over a private tweet of Lilian's is unacceptable and despicable.

Not only that he had curtailed her freedom of expression in her private space, he had betrayed her trust in allowing him access to her private place. He had also infringed her privacy by filing a police report over a private tweet. The act is like a friend filing a police report over a private conversation they had in a private room.

Tony is the secretary of Blogger House, a bloggers' association. That must mean that he is a blogger; he belongs to one of the many who takes advantage of the freedom of speech provided from the internet to express themselves.

As a blogger, that he would go to such a low to file a police report with the full intention of curtailing the freedom of expression of another is hypocritical. There is just no silver lining in Tony's act of filing the police report, whatever the motive.

Anyone who believes in the freedom of expression as enshrined in the constitution will not condone Tony's action, let alone defend him.

Helen, in her rush to uphold her dignity and even in her initial blog post, had completely missed out this. Perhaps it is because she is not a Twitter user and hence does not know how Twitter works.

If that is the case, she has not bothered to find out the particulars of the "spat" herself before putting her pen down, committing the exact same crime she is accusing the commentator. However, I can not fathom how she could completely missed the bigger picture on the consequences of Tony's action on our fundamental right to freedom of expression.

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Media self-censorship over coin makeover?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 12:10 AM PDT

Star on Wednesday published my letter on the 'coin makeover' in response to their report on July 26. But why were my questions removed when my letter was published? Is it an editorial decision or a government directive, or self-censorship?

In the age of good governance and transparency, I do not see any problem with my questions - if all things are done above board, allow the questions to be asked and hopefully Bank Negara can be given the chance to reply.

Having seen what happened to the Australian currency scandal, what I asked are valid questions. As a tax-paying Malaysian citizen, I think I have the right to know as it will involve public funds.

What Star did not print:

"I would like to ask (Bank Negara) a few simple elementary questions (regarding the plans for the coin makeover):

What is the name of the company awarded the contract to manufacture the new coins? May we also know who the board of directors in that company are?

Was the award done by open tender? If so, how many bids were submitted and by whom?

Is there any open tender called for the replacement of all coin-operated parking meters in the country (that are necessitated by the new coinage)?"

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