Sabtu, 3 September 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

MB Kedah tak perlu pemangku, kata Azizan

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 08:16 PM PDT

Menteri Besar Kedah, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak menegaskan tiada keperluan untuk mewujudkan jawatan pemangku bagi membantu beliau mentadbir negeri itu berdasarkan situasi kesihatannya pada masa ini.

azizan abdul razak pas and kedahAzizan berkata, selama ini pun beliau bukan menjalankan tugas berseorangan tetapi sudah lebih tiga tahun mentadbir negeri ini dengan dibantu barisan exco kerajaan negeri yang dilantik.

Malah, menurut Azizan beliau cukup kuat untuk menjalankan tugas selaku ketua pentadbiran kerajaan negeri sebagaimana yang dilakukannya sejak Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan Kedah pada pilihan raya umum 2008 lalu.

"Bagi saya sebagai menteri besar, saya tengok apa yang ada sudah elok. Barisan exco telah menjalankan tugas dengan baik," katanya dipetik Mingguan Malaysia.

"Kecuali pada pandangan PAS Pusat saya buat kerja tidak elok, itu hak merekalah nak tolong Kedah ini," katanya di Yan, semalam.

Azizan bekata demikian bagi mengulas kenyataan timbalan presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu yang disiarkan dalam sebuah portal berita bahawa pimpinan PAS Pusat akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan pimpinan PAS negeri bagi membincangkan perkara itu berikutan laporan sebuah akhbar harian berbahasa Inggeris kelmarin.

Laporan akhbar berkenaan antara lain menyebut mengenai pelantikan pemangku menteri besar bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan Azizan.

Mengenai cadangan Pemuda Gerakan Kedah agar diwujudkan jawatan timbalan menteri besar bagi memastikan pentadbiran negeri tidak terjejas jika pimpinan tertinggi kerajaan negeri tidak dapat berfungsi bagi suatu tempoh yang panjang, Azizan berkata, perkara itu tidak boleh dilaksanakan sesuka hati.

Azizan yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Kedah berkata, mengikut Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Kedah, jika seseorang menteri besar itu sudah tidak mampu untuk menjalankan tugasnya, perkara berkenaan perlu dimaklumkan kepada Sultan Kedah.

Selepas itu, barulah parti pemerintah kerajaan negeri semasa boleh mencadangkan kepada Sultan Kedah mengenai pelantikan baru.

"Persoalannya, sekarang ini saya cukup kuat. Saya tidak tahu tang (bahagian) mana saya tidak mampu. Cuti bukan satu masalah. Saya akan terus menjalankan tugas selagi diberi amanah oleh PAS Pusat untuk mengetuai Kedah," katanya.

Jenazah Noramfaizul tiba di Pangkalan TUDM Subang

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 08:06 PM PDT

Jenazah jurukamera BernamaTV Noramfaizul Mohd Nor yang maut akibat terkena tembakan curi semasa membuat liputan misi kemanusiaan di Mogadishu, Somalia, tiba di Pangkalan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) di Subang, pada jam 10 pagi tadi.

Suasana hiba menyelubungi perkarangan pangkalan itu sebaik jenazah Allahyarham dibawa keluar daripada pesawat C-130 TUDM yang turut membawa pulang anggota misi bantuan Malaysia itu.

Jenazah Allahyarham yang diiringi Pengerusi Putera Umno merangkap ketua misi bantuan Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, disambut anggota keluarga termasuk ayah Mohd Nor Mat Yassin, 66, dan ibu Naemah Abd Majid, 63.

Selain anggota keluarga, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan isteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor turut menyambut ketibaan jenazah Allahyarham Noramfaizul dan kumpulan misi bantuan kemanusiaan bertujuan membantu mangsa kebuluran di Somalia.

noramfaizul mohd norTurut hadir Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan isteri Puan Sri Norainee Abdul Rahman, Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman dan Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Jurugambar dan jurukamera mewakili pelbagai organisasi media kelihatan berkerumun di bahagian belakang pesawat ketika keranda dilitupi "Jalur Gemilang" yang membawa jenazah Allahyarham dibawa keluar untuk dibawa ke Masjid TUDM.

Dalam kejadian pada Jumaat itu, kenderaan yang dinaiki Noramfaizul, 39, dan petugas media Malaysia lain yang diiringi tentera kerajaan Somalia, ditembak ketika mereka dalam perjalanan pulang ke tempat penginapan.

Insiden itu turut menyebabkan jurukamera TV3 Aji Saregar Mazlan, cedera di lengan.

Perdana Menteri memberitahu sidang media kemudian bahawa beliau kagum dengan semangat dan kecekalan Allahyarham dalam membuat liputan beberapa misi bantuan kemanusiaan Malaysia di luar negara.

"Saya anggap Allahyarham Noramfaizul sebagai wira negara yang harus dijadikan model bagi merangsang semangat kita untuk terus membantu mereka yang kurang bernasib baik," kata Najib.

Beliau juga secara peribadi dan bagi pihak isterinya yang juga penaung misi itu, merakamkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham kerana kehilangan orang tersayang.

Turut hadir di Subang ialah Pengerusi Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (Bernama) Datuk Abdul Rahman Sulaiman, Pengurus Besar Datuk Hasnul Hassan, Ketua Pengarang Datuk Yong Soo Heong dan Ketua Editor BernamaTV Abdul Rahman Ahmad selain warga BernamaTV dan agensi berita itu.

Jenazah Allahyarham dibawa ke Masjid TUDM sebelum dibawa pulang ke rumah keluarga arwah di Taman Serdang Raya untuk disemadikan di Tanah Perkuburan Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang.

- Bernama


Malaysiakini :: Surat

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Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Noramfaizul

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 08:37 PM PDT

Kematian jurukamera Bernama TV Noramfaizul Mohd Nor dalam insiden tembakan di Mogadishu, Somalia telah mengejutkan kita semua. Apatah lagi tragedi ini berlaku ketika umat Islam meraikan Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Wartawan Aji Saregar Mazlan juga dimaklumkan cedera dalam insiden sama.

noramfaizul mohd norTragedi kemanusiaan kebuluran di Somalia menjadi bertambah dasyat dengan cengkaman pihak militia. Yang menyedihkan, sekiranya wujud kesungguhan di kalangan masyarakat antarabangsa, masalah ini dapat dikurangkan jika tidak diatasi sekalipun.

Kematian Allahyarham berlangsung ketika beliau cuba memainkan peranannya untuk membantu mangsa tragedi kemanusiaan Somalia.

Saya mewakili PKR ingin mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham Noramfaizul dan mendoakan roh Allahyarham ditempatkan di kalangan mereka yang soleh, apatah lagi beliau pulang ke rahmatullah pada bulan Hari Raya fitrah yang mulia ini dan ketika menjalankankerja-kerja kebajikan dengan penuh dedikasi dan keberanian.


Penulis adalah Pengarah Komunikasi PKR

Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Umno's Somalia mission: Genuine or publicity stunt?

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 12:39 AM PDT

By the time this article is published, the body of 39-year-old Noramfaizul Mohd Nor, Bernama's late cameraman, who had apparently followed Umno Putra club's humanitarian mission to Somalis would have arrived in Malaysia.

It is tragic, that apart from the hundreds of lives lost during the Raya period on Malaysian roads due to the balik kampong mayhem, Faizul should meet his death in war torn Mogadishu, Somalia.

Was this just an accident? Could it have been avoided? Did umno rush to Somalia to genuinely help Somalians? Or did the party throw caution to the wind and rush callously on the eve of Raya to Somalia just for a publicity stunt?

If it was for a publicity stunt, then Faizul would have died in vain and this wouldn't have been the first time when our personnel, both medical and non-medical would have risked not only their lives but more importantly the people around them who may be completely oblivious to the dangers of this sort of missions.

In 2003, Mercy Malaysia similarly put medical personnel at risk. Its two doctors, Dr Jamilah and Baba Deni were lucky to get away alive although both were shot in Baghdad.

Not so lucky were their Syrian driver and the Iraqi medical personnel who were accompanying them. Both lost their lives in the shooting. Malaysians may mean well, but extending aid to war torn and disaster areas carries immense risks and requires specific training.

Its not a boy scout outing. Apart from the safety aspect, questions have arisen as to how these trips are being financed and who actually audits these ventures.

When the 2004 tsunami flattened Acheh, Malaysians were one of the first to reach Acheh.

But they were hopelessly ill-equipped for the task ahead. In direct contrast, Singapore and Australia sent in their army and naval outfits to attend to the distribution of aid.

Humanitarian aid carried out by trained forces tend to be more orderly, organized, triaged and focused to help.

Malaysians out to help nuclear-disastered Sendai, Japan following this year's tsunami were not even allowed to leave Subang for Japan by Japanese authorities, as they politely refused knowing well they could not guarantee the safety of their own people let alone foreign volunteers untrained in handling nuclear fall-outs.

From the images shown on local TV, the Umno Putra team appeared to be untrained personnel doing their rounds on unfriendly and sometimes hostile terrain.

How would giving adhoc cholera/typhoid vaccinations and holding impromptu outpatient clinics at refugee camps help civilians there in the long-term? And why would you want to do a job you are not trained to handle especially on terrain you are not familiar with and unfriendly at that too.

Shouldn't it have been a job for our army boys. We are in peace time anyway and this would have been a good mission to keep them on their toes.

There is no imminent danger of our submarines sinking as they apparently cannot dive, or our air force jets with no engines crashing and there are certainly no communists to look out for who may be waiting to create another Bukit Kepong situation.

A brief look at the army's hospitals' websites indicate that almost all their hospitals have hardly any patients, which will then beg the question. What do our army docs and medics do with so much free time on their hands?

Shouldn't they have gone instead of the Umno club. Unless, of course, the help Umno went to deliver was a sideshow, the main menu being publicity for the party or its leaders judging from the daily reporting in the MSM and TV images during prime time.

Is this GE13 election campaigning using the Somalians misery and our journalists lives to brain wash kampong folk out in Jengka and Baling?

Umno must now be ready to answer some difficult questions. The Mission arrived in Somalia on Aug 30 at one of the world' most dangerous destinations and to a country that is home to pirates that can put to shame even the mightiest of navies in the Indian Ocean, including the US Navy.

Apparently it was timed to provide Hari Raya aid and according to a statement issued by its chief, Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim to even have Hari Raya prayers there!

If the Health Ministry was involved and had sent some of their personnel, Liow Tiong Lai better have some answers ready.

With our own Malaysians getting literally war conditions treatment in many of our government hospitals, it would be interesting to listen to Liow's excuses, in his own Tung Shin way.

Aid was supposed to be distributed to five areas, with Mogadishu being the first stop. Others included Badbadur, about 25km from Mogadishu, where about 250,000 people are taking refuge, Al Shabeb in Merka where 300,000 people are affected by the famine and in the Balet Veni camps which house 100,000 people.

Both areas are located 100km from Mogadishu.

Even the Operations chief Lt-Col Zahani Zainal Abdin had warned saying it would be risky to even fly into Mogadishu at night.

In total there were a total of 55 volunteers and members of the media who formed part of the mission to cover a radius of almost 200 km in a country where there was no law except for a 9000 strong UN backed force - the only law in a country of 10 million.

Make no mistake, in this country even 12 year olds carry AK-47s. Umno club members had no business being in this country and in their pursuit of cheap publicity endangering the lives of other civilians both Malaysians and Somalians.

Any mission that carries with it civilians and journalists are a handicap to any military personnel exposing even the most well-trained military commando to being nothing more then a sitting duck.

Al- Fatihah to Noramfaizul Mohd Nor's family. Let's hope Bernama and Utusan don't spin his untimely and unnecessary death into a "mati syahid" affair.

Australian court outshines ours in decisiveness

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:02 PM PDT

Lawyers for Liberty applauds the visionary decisiveness by the High Court of Australia (to bar the refugee swap arrangement with Australia), a quality severely lacking within the Malaysian context.

Briefly the facts of the challenge are that section 198A(3) of the Australian Migration Act enables the minister to declare that a specified country is a safe third country for asylum seekers to be transferred to.

The safety of that country is to be assessed by four criteria one of which being that, that country meets relevant human rights standards in providing protection. The plaintiffs contended, among other things that the declaration made on July 25 was not validly made because the four criteria set out in s 198A(3)(i)-(iv) are facts which did not exist.

The minister had relied, not on cogent evidence of Malaysia's commitment to protection but rather among other reasons on an "understanding" from his conversations with the Malaysian minister of home affairs and other Malaysian officials that the Malaysian government "was keen to improve its treatment of refugees and asylum seekers" and that Malaysia was "actively considering" allowing work rights for all asylum seekers.

The court, in holding that the Minister's declaration was invalid, stated that whether the relevant "access" and "protection" are provided and "human rights standards" are met, are questions which cannot be answered without reference to the domestic laws of the specified country, including its constitution and statute laws, and the international legal obligations to which it has bound itself.

The court said that "it remains the case that Malaysia does not have laws which recognise and protect refugees from refoulement and persecution. The arrangement with Malaysia is no more than a statement of the participants' intentions and political commitments.

It creates no obligation for the purposes of international law" and "although it attempted to address some of the problems which face asylum-seekers in Malaysia , it could not alter the present state of affairs"

Lawyers for Liberty is heartened that the court's decision underscores the most significant aspects of civil society's campaign against the refugee-swap deal and also that the decision highlights the inadequacy of the UNHCR endorsed 'pseudo-protection' being extended to asylum seekers in Malaysia.

Ratification of the Refugee 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol should have been the primary consideration preceding any negotiations.

Short of that, amendments to Malaysia 's immigration act - not a temporary exemption - should have been a condition preceding the arrangement.

Lawyers for Liberty urges the Malaysian government to consider and act in a manner consistent with its international reputation as a member of the Human Rights Council in all future actions involving the combating of transnational organized crime.

Renuka T Bala is a member of the NGO Lawyers For Liberty.


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