Khamis, 8 September 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Majlis prof: Gerakan kiri bukan perjuangan merdeka

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 10:12 PM PDT

Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) hari ini menegaskan bahawa perjuangan gerakan politik kiri, termasuk komunis bukan perjuangan kemerdekaan di Tanah Melayu.

Sebaliknya ia dianggap "penderhakaan" kerana didakwa mahu menghapuskan kuasa-kuasa Melayu di Tanah Melayu dan mahu menubuhkan kerajaan republik.

"Pada tahun 1930, Parti Komunis Malaya ditubuhkan di Singapura. Mereka menubuhkan Republik Demokratik Rakyat Malaya yang berkait dengan (fahaman) komunis.

"Cita-cita komunis tidak membebaskan Tanah Melayu daripada pentadbiran British yang dipersetujui oleh Raja-raja Melayu.

"Nasionalis (Melayu) yang ingin bersekongkol, bekerjasama dan bersubahat dengan komunis untuk menjadikan negeri republik komunis.

"Kita tidak menerima perjuangan mereka kerana mahu merampas kuasa secara tidak sah dan tidak legitimate," kata sejarahwan Profesor Datuk Dr Zainal Kling dalam sidang media di Putrajaya pagi ini.

Sementara itu, kenyataan MPN yang diedarkan menyebut, perjuangan kiri tidak diiktiraf sebagai perjuangan kemerdekaan kerana berhasrat membawa Tanah Melayu menyertai projek Indonesia Raya.

Katanya, penentangan komunis terhadap Jepun pada awalnya - melalui Tentera Anti-Jepun Penduduk Tanah Melayu (MPAJA) - pula dibuat kerana "amat marah dan malu" atas penaklukan Jepun terhadap China pada tahun 1937 hingga 1945.

"Mereka tidak berjuang demi kebebasan Tanah Melayu atau menegakkan negeri Melayu," kenyataan itu dipetik.

Khairy mahu 'bos' batal cukai prabayar

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:22 PM PDT

Pengenalan cukai perkhidmatan 6 peratus ke atas pembelian tambah-nilai prabayar dan pek atau kad SIM prabayar, telah menyatukan ahli politik muda dari parti kerajaan dan pembangkang yang sama-sama membantah langkah itu.

NONESelepas pengumumannya semalam, ketua Pemuda Umno dan BN, Khairy Jamaluddin adalah antara orang pertama yang secara terbuka menyuarakan bantahannya kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.

"Boss @NajibRazak, tax kepada pengguna pre-paid satu keputusan yang tidak munasabah & bebankan rakyat. Saya bantah. Pohon dibatalkan," tulis Khairy di Twitternya malam tadi.

Satu kenyataan bersama syarikat telekomunikasi Malaysia semalam, mengumumkan pengenalan cukai tersebut, berkuatkuasa 15 September.

Ini bermakna, pelanggan yang membeli kad prabayar bernilai RM10 perlu membayar RM10.60.

Syarikat telekomunikasi menyifatkannya sebagai cukai perbelanjaan dan dikenakan kepada pengguna, seperti yang termaktub dalam Undang-undang Cukai Perkhidmatan.

Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), sebuah NGO yang diketuai pemimpin PKR, Badrul Hisham Shaharin, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Chegubard, menyertai Khairy membantah cukai baru itu.

Mereka berdua dianggap sebagai musuh politik kerana Chegubard bertanding menentang Khairy di kerusi parlimen Jelebu dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.

SAMM mengingatkan kerajaan bahawa sebahagian besar pengguna mudah alih prabayar adalah dari golongan berpendapatan rendah, termasuk pekerja kilang dan pelajar.

Katanya, mengenakan cukai cukai 6 peratus cukai itu menunjukkan kerajaan hanya melindungi badan korporat dan syarikat telekomunikasi, dengan memindahkan bebannya kepada pengguna walaupun syarikat berkenaan membuat keuntungan setiap tahun.

Dalam kenyataan, SAMM mendakwa kerajaan 'tunduk' kepada gergasi korporat dengan tujuan untuk memperkayakan mereka tanpa mengambil kira masalah kepada pengguna.

Sehubungan SAMM menggesa rakyat supaya menolak kerajaan persekutuan, sekiranya ia meneruskan dasar-dasar yang membebankan mereka.

Bagaimanapun, pandangan Khairy tidak dikongsi oleh rakannya, ahli parlimen Kota Belud, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

Dalam Twitternya, Abdul Rahman melihat cukai tersebut sebagai sumbangan kepada ekonomi negara oleh pengguna prabayar.

Katanya, kali ini giliran pengguna prabayar pula untuk menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara.

[Baca berita penuh]


Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Speaker should be impartial

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:01 AM PDT

DAP Sabah is saddened to see that the office of the state assembly speaker has been politicised.

The speaker by convention should be neutral so that any business of the assembly will be impartially managed.

Unfortunately Speaker Salleh Tun Said Keruak has placed himself in a disrespectable position by recently questioning the absence of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leaders at the chief minister's and state cabinet's Hari Raya open house in Likas.

We all know that Salleh is the deputy Sabah Umno liaison chief and his appointment as speaker is already inappropriate.

While the people have refrained from questioning his appointment, it is regrettable that he chose to "aggravate" his position by unnecessarily highlighting LDP's absence at the Hari Raya function.

DAP Sabah asks when did Salleh become the BN whip in the assembly?

Sabahans are well aware of the internal problems in Umno and within the BN family. It looks like Salleh has now magnified the internal squabble between leaders in Umno and at the same time, dragged LDP into the fray.

Dr Edwin Bosi is secretary for DAP Sabah.

Controversy over forum not justified

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 12:56 AM PDT

I write to clarify some of the wild emails and even press reviews in recent times on my role and the Malaysian Indian Business Association's (Miba) in the Sept 11 Forum on 13th General Elections and the Indian Community.

Is this programme a debate between BN and PKR?

The organisers and I never described it as a debate. It was a media article that presented it as so. In terms of the forum write up, it's a meeting of minds on political issues and how Indians should position themselves as their vote is significant.

The programme arranged into six different panels so even political parties are in different panels. Discussion is not just among the political parties.

Why an engagement only among Indians?

Some have said this forum is dividing the community and the discussion should not be among Indians but should be between Indians and Umno.

Different forums can have different objectives. Here we want an engagement among Malaysian Indians from across the political divide, civil society, business community and academic to share their views.

Basically as the program indicates, we wanted especially political parties and politicians to state

- What was promised at the 2008 GE?

- What have they achieved between 2008 to 2011?

- What are gaps?

- What do they promise to do if elected for another term?

Different individuals are holding political positions at federal, state and local governments. Within their capabilities what are they able to share of their achievements and success, struggles and challenges, hopes and dreams.

Therefore opportunity is provided to political representatives, civil society as well as business and the academic community.

Therefore this is an engagement amongst the Indian community to reposition their political views, give stock and also set a tone for the 13th general elections.

What do we expect from aspiring candidates? Who should we support from with the Indian community and also from other communities?

There is therefore value in discussing with the community as well as value across the community with other communities. This forum is focused on a discussion from within the community on the matters for the 13th general elections.

Thus far, no one has organised such a gathering and there is a need to engage among ourselves especially across the political divide on common issues of concern.

Is BN, MIC behind this forum?

This forum was a thought I had after a number of us hosted a discussion among academics on political leadership and the Indian community at UKM on July 21, 2011.

I moderated the discussion and the four presenters were non-Indians (Ben from Merdeka Centre, Dr Ong from UCSI, Prof Mansor and Teo from UKM). The criticism at that forum was why non-Indian academics are working on Indian issues.

Arising from there, I raised with P Sivakumar of Miba that if his organisation will host a public forum, I will write the framework paper.

He agreed and invitations were set out. There is no higher human hand at work.

My friends from the BN feel that this was very anti-MIC/BN due to the proposed line up of speakers.

On the other side, individuals seem to have a view that this is an Umno created, pro BN-MIC event and what right do these chaps have to organise such a forum.

My feeling is that anyone can organise programmes and it is up to people to decide if there is value in it, worth making a monetary contribution, and participating. If one feels another view, they have the freedom not to participate.

However we encourage as many from different viewpoints to engage with one another. We have a good cross section of speakers who have agreed to come - some politicians, some from business community, some academic and others from civil society.

We hope we can have a very fruitful discussion and the findings will be published and circulated. It is an open forum and the media have been invited to participate too.

Should the forum be focused on engaging Umno? It is a good suggestion and people who feel so could organise it. If it emerges as one area for follow up from the Sept 11, 2011 forum, we could consider engaging leaders of political parties.

Was Dr P Ramasamy and others officially invited?

We invited leaders from MIC, PPP, Gerakan, DAP, PKR, PSM. Also a number of civil society leaders like P Uthayakumar, R Kengadharam, V Ganabathirau, Ambiga Sreenevasan and Ivy Josiah.

These individuals have written and shared their views on many Indian and national issues. We felt that their views are also important. However they all turned down the invitation for different reasons.

Between Sivakumar and I we divided the responsibility to invite the proposed speakers. Yes Sivakumar contacted Dr P Ramasamy. Yes he had indicated he can't make it.

G Palanivel too had not confirmed. The program which was circulated had indicated that a number (including Ramasamy and Palanivel) were "invited but still waiting for confirmation.

However Tamil media had listed them with their photos. In the case of The Star write up, it was written such as the following were invited.

We acknowledge that the following six moderators have confirmed:
R. Navaratnam (CPPS-ASLI), Arjit Singh (Former Asean Sec Gen), Ragunath Kesavan (Former Bar Council Chair), Prof CP Ramanchandran (Former UPM), Dr S Sivamoorthy (Miba) & Prof KS Nathan (UKM).

Ten speakers have confirmed - Dr Denison Jayasooria (UKM), Prof NS Rajendran (UPSI), Murugesan (MIC), Dr Xavier Jayakumar (PKR), K Arumugam (Suaram), Mr S Paspuathi (Tamil Foundation), P Sivakumar (Miba), Pardip Kumar (Paradise), Kumeresan (Builders Association), Siva Subramanium (Proham/Former Suhakam), Michael Jeyakumar (PSM), R Sivarasa (PKR) and Prof Terence Gomez (UM). We awaiting confirmation from two more.

]Why charge RM100?

Basically this is to cover the cost. Instead of asking a government sponsor or private sponsor, Miba decided that every one participating could contribute to cover the two teas and I lunch and contribute towards the rental of the meeting room.

Menara PKNS (15th floor) is charging RM75.00 per person (for meals and use of facilities). The addition RM25 is to cover other overhead costs.

It is really sad that many have made a big issue of this. Miba will give a breakdown of registration fees and expenses and make this public to avoid further doubt of this matter.

Why should Miba or Denison organise this program?

This is a democratic country. All have the freedom to organise forums and discussions. Others could have but none did. We had the thought of bringing Indian political leaders and others for an engagement.

We have extended invitations to a cross section of people. Those who are unhappy also have a right to participate or not.

It is unfortunate that so many wild accusations are being flung on Miba, Sivakumar and myself without seeking clarification or proper understanding.

Anyway this is part of challenges we face in public life but let's try and move on.

Would anything come out of this forum?

We are really hoping there would. And arising out of the discussions we can follow through some of the specific concerns especially those pertaining to 13th general elections.

Dr Denison Jayasooria is the Principal Research Fellow of the Institute of Ethnic Studies UKM


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