Khamis, 23 Jun 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Kartun Utusan diadu pada JAWI

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 10:10 PM PDT

Dewan Muslimat PAS hari ini membuat aduan kepada Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) Karikatur yang didakwa menghina Islam dalam Utusan Malaysia pada 15 Jun lalu.

Menurut ketuanya Siti Zailah Yusuf aduan itu dibuat kerana tindakan Utusan menyiarkan karya itu didakwa salah dari segi hukum jenayah Islam dan jelas menghina agama Islam.

Aduan tersebut dibuat pagi tadi di bahagian penguatkuasaan JAWI di Kuala Lumpur.

Katanya, beliau difahamkan aduan tersebut akan disiasat oleh bawah Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997.

[Berita penuh menyusul]

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Enam kerbau seludup dirampas di Chuping

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:30 PM PDT

Unit Pencegah Penyeludupan (UPP) merampas enam ekor kerbau yang dipercayai diseludup dari Thailand di sebuah kebun getah di Felda Chuping dekat Padang Besar semalam.

Komander UPP Perlis, DSP Zakaria Abdul Rahman, berkata berdasarkan maklumat orang awam, anggota-anggota UPP kawasan Padang Besar membuat pemantauan di kawasan itu pada 7 malam dan mengesan tiga lelaki dipercayai rakyat Thailand sedang menarik enam kerbau itu.

Beliau berkata, setelah menyedari kehadiran pihak UPP, ketiga-tiga suspek berjaya melarikan diri ke dalam hutan berhampiran kebun getah berkenaan.

Kerbau itu, yang setiap satunya bernilai RM2,500, diserahkan kepada Jabatan Veterinar untuk tindakan lanjut.

Menurut Zakaria, penyeludup mengambil kesempatan menjelang waktu Maghrib kerana beranggapan anggota UPP tidak bertugas pada waktu itu.

"Kerbau-kerbau berkenaan ditandakan dengan cat biru di tanduk seolah-olah binatang itu telah melalui proses Jabatan Verterinar," katanya.


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Malaysiakini :: Surat

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Malaysiakini :: Surat

Pemuda PAS mahu Obama kota janji

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 01:16 AM PDT

Lajnah Antarabangsa Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat (Malaysia) mengucapkan tahniah diatas kenyataan Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Barrack Obama kelmarin yang mengumumkan penarikan keluar tentera Amerika Syarikat sejumlah 10,000 orang dari bumi Afghanistan.

Kami juga mengucapkan syabas kepada Obama yang mengakui bahawa, beliau mahu menebus kembali kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh Amerika Syarikat dengan campur tangan mereka sebelum beliau menjadi Presiden Amerika Syarikat dengan menghantar dan mengekalkan tentera Amerika Syarikat di Afghanistan.

Walaubagaimana pun, kami berharap, kenyataan Obama ini benar-benar dikotai serta ditunaikan dan tidak hanya sekadar manis dibibir sahaja memandangkan Amerika Syarikat sedang mengalami tahap keyakinan yang sangat buruk sebelum ini samada didalam atau diluar negaranya sendiri.

Kami juga mendesak agar seluruh tentera Amerika perlu keluar terus ke dari bumi Afghanistan tanpa sebarang syarat dan berperingkat. Idea pentadbiran Washington untuk mengeluarkan tenteranya secara berperingkat dilihat mempunyai beberapa agenda tersembunyi yang meragukan.

Amerika juga perlu memastikan semua ikatan dan peraturan serta kepentingannya selama ini di Afghanistan perlu diserahkan kembali kepada rakyat Afghanistan untuk mereka uruskan sendiri.

Rakyat Afghanistan perlu diberi kepercayaan untuk merangka dan mentadbir negaranya sendiri. Kami yakin bahawa majoriti rakyat Afghanistan sudah muak dengan telunjuk Amerika yang didokong oleh Presiden mereka Hamid Karzai yang pro-Amerika.

Petunjuk yang diberikan oleh rakyatnya sendiri untuk kembali kepada sistem berasaskan Islam menjadi 'bayang-bayang hitam' buat kerajaan Karzai.

Dengan pengunduran tentera Amerika dari bumi Afghanistan, kami yakin satu landskap baru politik dunia di Asia Timur bakal menjelma dengan kebangkitan satu era kepimpinan yang lebih telus dan pragmatik.

Penulis adalah naib ketua/pengerusi lajnah antarabangsa Dewan Pemuda PAS.

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Together we can

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 01:37 AM PDT

One slow Sunday afternoon, I was cursorily glancing through my emails and consistently hitting the delete button.

Something caught my eye that stopped me from hitting the delete button once again. The subject heading simply read "Bersih 2.0".

Let me be clear, I am no activist. I am a nearly 30-years young professional, living in the bright lights and not so clear skies of Petaling Jaya.

Like many of the people around me, so apathetic am I about the state of our country's politics that I have even stopped reading the news.

Disgusting though it may sound, admittedly, I read the papers solely for the sports and entertainment news.

Going back to this little email that caught my eye, its contents were words that I could understand and associate with, even in my befuddled semi-hungover Sunday state of mind.

For too long have I heard grouses and grievances about the state of our country, its politics and a never ending list of other discontents.

We grumble and then we grumble some more.

Yet, somehow we are unable to organise our collective will to do something about the state of affairs of this nation that is home.

Commonly, the sentiments are "But we can achieve nothing, our efforts will come to nowt, so why bother".

Then something like Bersih 2.0 comes along. The eight demands set out by Bersih calling for freer and fairer elections are genuine and clear demands that any civil democratic society should have in place or at least strive to have in place.

These are not unreasonable demands but demands that are the foundation of a democratic society, regardless of political affliations and leanings.

This is what stands out to me. This is what I agree with.

You may ask yourself if your participation will lead to freer and fairer elections or if your one individual participation will lead to that proverbial tipping point where these eight demands will be implemented come the 13th general election.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

Maybe we will never know and maybe just maybe our efforts will come to nowt. However, don't we want to at least try. To stand up and say here we are, trying to make a difference together.

We have to trust and know that much more will be achieved for the good of our nation if like-minded individuals come together and adopt a mindset that says "Why not instead of a passive "Why bother".

We have to stop leaving it to others, thinking that so-called activists will step up and do their bit. Who are the activists if not us. It is you and I.

I know I owe it to myself and to my country to do all in my power to try. The list of discontents may be long, but the first step to resolving that is by ensuring the foundations of democracy are strong.

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WAO condemns threats against Bersih chief

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 01:14 AM PDT

Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) fully supports Bersih 2.0 and its demands for a vibrant and transparent democracy in Malaysia. We are one of 62 NGOs supporting the Bersih 2.0 gathering on 9 July 2011 calling for clean, free and fair elections.

A just and transparent system of government, and an accompanying just and transparent electoral process, is essential for Malaysia. Every voter deserves to know that their vote counts, and that the outcome of elections reflects the public will.

The fulfilment of Bersih 2.0's eight demands is essential to ensure public confidence in the electoral system.

These demands are to clean up the electoral roll, reform postal voting, use indelible ink, establish a minimum campaign period of 21 days, ensure free and fair access to the media, strengthen public institutions, get rid of corruption and put a stop to dirty politics.

The recent attacks against Bersih 2.0, including personal attacks and threats against its Chairperson, Ambiga Sreenevasan, must be condemned.

As a human rights defender and a woman who has achieved much in her career, including being a pioneer member of WAO and becoming the President of the Bar Council, Ambiga has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to social justice.

As a leader with a strong social conscience, Ambiga is to be commended for her tireless work, which is not for personal gain, but for the betterment of Malaysia and its electoral system.

Everyone who calls Malaysia home cannot dispute the need for clean, free and fair elections.

And these free and fair elections must be accompanied by access to clear and impartial information from the media, in order for all Malaysian voters to make an informed choice at the ballot box.

The biased reporting of the mainstream media insults the intelligence of Malaysians, who must be given the chance to decide for themselves the merits of each candidate based on their policies.

Malaysia's federal constitution, our nation's guiding framework, enshrines the right of every citizen to freedom of speech and expression, and the right to assemble peaceably.

WAO will be exercising this constitutional right by walking with Bersih 2.0 on 9 July and we encourage all to come and support the call for a vibrant and transparent democracy for Malaysia.

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