Isnin, 11 Julai 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Kain rentang palsu, Pemuda Umno Kedah buat laporan

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:20 AM PDT

Pemuda Umno Kedah hari ini membuat laporan polis mengenai dua kain rentang palsu yang menggunakan gambar pengerusi badan perhubungan Umno negeri itu, Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah dan didakwa dibuat pergerakan itu.

Ketua Pemuda Umno Kedah Badrol Hisham Hashim berkata beliau terpaksa membuat laporan di ibupejabat polis daerah Kota Setar pagi tadi berikutan pemasangan kain rentang ucapan tahniah kepada Kolej Universiti Insaniah (Kuin) itu merupakan kain rentang palsu kerana Pemuda Umno Kedah tidak terlibat langsung dengan kain rentang itu.

Katanya satu daripada kain rentang itu dipasang di Bangunan Persekutuan berhampiran bulatan Jalan Sultan Badlishah di Alor Setar dan satu lagi di Bulatan Stadium Darulaman.

"Jelas kain rentang berkenaan adalah satu kain rentang palsu yang dibuat pihak tertentu yang mempunyai maksud terlindung dan berniat jahat," katanya kepada pemberita selepas membuat laporan polis hari ini.

Katanya Pemuda Umno Kedah kesal dengan penggunaan gambar Ahmad Bashah dan kata-kata yang ditulis pada kain rentang berkenaan kerana ia adalah satu tindakan berbentuk provokasi kepada Umno.

"Ia cuba mencetuskan persepsi salah kononnya Umno terlibat dengan kemelut yang sedang melanda Kuin ketika ini. Kita semua sedia maklum, kerajaan negeri sedang berhadapan dengan beberapa masalah berkaitan pentadbiran universiti berkenaan seperti penggantungan beberapa pelajar dan demonstrasi sekumpulan pelajar baru-baru ini.

"Kami percaya pihak yang memasang kain rentang itu mahu mengheret Umno Kedah dan Pemuda Umno Kedah dalam kemelut antara kerajaan negeri dengan Kuin," katanya.

Badrol Hisham berkata penggunaan perkataan "Daripada Pemuda Umno Kedah" memberikan gambaran pihaknya yang memasang kain rentang berkenaan sedangkan Pemuda Umno Kedah tidak terlibat langsung dalam perkara berkenaan.

"Pemuda Umno ingin menegaskan bahawa kami mahupun ejen kami tidak pernah langsung terlibat dengan sebarang aktiviti pemasangan kain rentang berkenaan.

"Pihak yang memasang kain rentang itu berniat jahat dengan menggunakan nama Pemuda Umno Kedah. Mereka cuba mewujudkan persepsi negatif tentang Pemuda Umno Kedah," katanya.

"Beliau berkata pihaknya mengesan kain rentang berkenaan pada Sabtu lepas dan menanggalkannya tetapi ia dipercayai dipasang semula pada Jumaat malam.

Katanya laporan polis yang dibuat hari ini bertujuan meminta polis menyiasat serta mengambil tindakan terhadap pihak yang mencipta, mencetak serta memasang kain rentang berkenaan.

- Bernama

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Pelajar UMT didakwa hina lagu Negaraku

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:10 AM PDT

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) telah membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaan seorang pelajar UMT mengubah lirik lagu Negaraku, menghina Raja dan juga perdana menteri di dalam laman sosial Facebooknya.

Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) UMT Prof Dr Yahaya Ibrahim berkata, laporan itu telah dibuat oleh pendaftar UMT di Balai Polis Gong Badak, semalam.

"Kita serah kepada polis untuk membuat siasatan berhubung perkara itu. Sehingga kini kita tidak tahu sama ada dia mahasiwa UMT atau sudah tamat pengajiannya ataupun orang luar yang menyamar.

"Kita sedar perkara ini semalam dan terus buat laporan polis. Hari ini pendaftar UMT akan memberi keterangan lagi kepada polis berhubung perkara itu," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas majlis perasmian Simposium Tahunan UMT yang disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Fadillah Yusof.

Turut hadir pada majlis itu Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) UMT Prof Dr Noor Azhar Mohamed Shazili.

Dr Yahaya berkata penuntut terbabit yang menggunakan nama Mohd Farizal dalam statusnya, mengubah lirik lagu kebangsaan dengan mencerca, mempersendakan lagu negara, Raja Melayu dan juga perdana menteri.

Beliau menyifatkan perkara itu sangat serius dan akan bertindak tegas sekiranya terbukti dia merupakan mahasiswa UMT.

"Setelah siasatan polis dan jika benar dia pelajar UMT, kita akan serahkan perkara ini kepada Lembaga Disiplin UMT dengan segera untuk diambil tindakan kerana perkara ini (menghina) sangat serius.

"Seseorang pelajar tidak seharusnya melibatkan diri dalam perkara sedemikian. Dia sepatutnya menumpukan perhatian kepada pelajaran dan tidak pada yang lain," katanya.

- Bernama

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Bersih 2.0: Even a four-year-old gets it

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:22 AM PDT

Eyes still smarting from the tear gas, legs aching from all that walking, the first thing that greeted me when I reached home was my four-year-old daughter launching herself into my arms. Immediately, all the anxiety and stress left me, as cuddles and kisses abounded.

She asked, "Mama, did you go for the march?"

Surprised, as I had only told her I had gone out to do something important, I answered, "Yes." Perhaps she had overhead the adults talking.

I showed her the pictures and video clips on my phone, and when I was looking at the news online, she scrolled through the pictures that the websites had posted.

"These are pictures from the march!" she called out excitedly to her two-year-old brother. He came hurtling next to us and repeated, "March!" Then true to his food-loving form, said, "That's a burger!" pointing to the fast food ad banner on Malaysiakini.

"See all these people in yellow? They're the good people", I explained. "They're fighting for change in Malaysia, so that we can have a better future."

"Who are these?" she asked, pointing to an ominous picture of the FRU in a line, shields up, batons at-the-ready.

I sighed. How to explain to a four-year old that the police, supposedly there to protect the rakyat, were in this case, doing the exact opposite?

By the end of that historic day, July 9, Malaysians were left with no illusions about the police brutality that had occurred, as more and more reports, eyewitness accounts, photos and videos flooded the blogosphere. More than 1,600 were arrested just for expressing their rights peacefully.

Yet, despite the threats, despite the intimidation, despite the fear, despite the roadblocks thrown up, thousands evaded the lockdown, braved the heavy police presence and emerged victorious on the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Six thousand, you said? Dear Mr IGP, were you there? I turned the corner of Jalan Sultan into Jalan Pudu and was greeted by a sea of humanity.

The whole road was awash with Malaysians from all walks of life, of every creed and colour, young and old (I saw a brave lady with a walking stick; my sister saw one in a wheelchair. A friend's 80-year old father was at the rally, together with his 80-year old friend).

Turning to the left, a huge crowd, thousands strong, was making its way down the road to join us. Now, I may not be able to do a 'head count' as the police were seemingly able to (how does one count a teeming, moving mass?) and I won't claim to be able to put a figure on the numbers on the street, but I was there at the million-strong march in London in 2003, protesting against the Iraq war, and I think I can tell when numbers are big.

(By the way our police could learn a thing or two from their counterparts in the UK. That march was incredibly well organised, with routes mapped out way in advance, police and marshals all along the route, to help guide and cheer us on.

There, the police were not something to be feared, but people to turn to for help and who actually worked with the organisers. The result: one million took to the streets to protest an unjust war, and there were no incidents of violence).

"Why did you go for the march?" my daughter asked.

This was hard to explain. I wagered a tentative reply: "Sometimes, there are things that people are unhappy about, that we want changed in our country. So it is our right to assemble peacefully to make our voices heard. I wanted to be there".

Astutely, for a four-year old, she rejoined, "Because you are good". Of course, mothers are heroines in their little girls' eyes, but I am just an ordinary Malaysian who was at Bersih 2.0 because it was something I believe in, because I want to see change for the better in our country.

Because I was angered by the heavy-handedness of the authorities, of their unwillingness to compromise, of their ridiculous posturing – I mean, really, yellow T-shirts are illegal?

Because the antics of Perkasa and Umno Youth were enough to make anyone throw their hands up in despair and weep for the folly of our country, for in what other place could there be demonstrations against demonstrations, and threats of war waged against a call for clean and fair elections?

Because of the injustices wielded on Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), individuals whose integrity, humanity and compassion know no bounds. Oh, if only those in power could be half the (wo)men that the PSM folks are!

The list goes on. Electoral reform, yes, of course. But the clear need for such reform is symptomatic of the deeper, systemic change that Malaysia needs.

I believe I was one of thousands at Bersih 2.0 who were there to express the longing for such change.

Malaysians, we can be proud of ourselves for what was achieved on Saturday. We need to seize the moment, press on, and continue the fight. The journey for some started years ago; for others, July 9 sparks the beginning.

Together we can build a better Malaysia, for ourselves and for our children. Because if my four-year-old can perceive that there is good in the cause, then surely we all can.

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