Rabu, 15 Jun 2011

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Dewan Rakyat kecoh bila isu Buku Jingga disentuh

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 10:56 PM PDT

Persidangan Dewan Rakyat hari ini kecoh seketika apabila berlaku pertikaman lidah antara beberapa anggota pembangkang apabila isu Buku Jingga disentuh seorang anggota parlimen kerajaan.

Keadaan bertukar gamat apabila Datuk Ismail Abd Muttalib (BN-Maran) bangkit mempersoalkan janji-janji yang dibuat oleh pembangkang di dalam Buku Jingga yang diperkenalkan mereka, lapor Bernama.

Soalan itu nyata 'mencuit' sensitiviti anggota pembangkang yang mula 'panas telinga' termasuk Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) bangun untuk memberi penjelasan walaupun ada suara-suara dari pihak anggota parlimen kerajaan yang menggesa soalan itu dijawab oleh Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang turut hadir.

Anwar dan tiga lagi anggota parlimen pembangkang -- Azmin, R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) dan Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) muncul buat kali pertama di Dewan Rakyat pada sesi ini selepas tempoh penggantungan mereka selama enam bulan tamat hari ini.

Keempat-empat anggota parlimen pembangkang itu digantung daripada menghadiri sidang dewan pada Disember lepas atas kesalahan menghina Dewan.

Terdahulu, isu buku jingga tercetus apabila Anwar mengemukakan soalan pada sesi soal jawab hari ini meminta kerajaan menjelaskan mengenai dakwaan kerugian Felda dan meminta Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Ahmad Maslan menyatakan kedudukan terkini kewangan Felda, kewajaran Felda meminjam lebih RM6 bilion daripada Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) dan prestasi pelaburan hasil daripada pinjaman ini.

Menjawab soalan itu, Ahmad memaklumkan kepada Dewan Rakyat bahawa kedudukan kewangan terkini Felda berada dalam keadaan yang kukuh dengan jumlah aset terkini adalah sebanyak RM19.18 bilion.

Katanya nilai itu melibatkan tanah seluas 341,000 hektar yang dinilai berdasarkan harga kos dan bukan harga semasa.

"Sekiranya dinilai berdasarkan nilai semasa jumlahnya akan jauh lebih tinggi," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Ahmad berkata pinjaman KSWP bertujuan untuk program tanam semula kebun peneroka, membiayai lima daripada 12 rumah projek perumahan mampu milik untuk generasi baru Felda dan projek gedung makanan negara.

Katanya hasil daripada projek-projek berkenaan dijangka memberikan faedah dan keuntungan yang berlipat ganda kepada Felda.

Menurut Ahmad, pada 28 Oktober tahun lepas kedudukan kewangan Felda dan pinjaman KWSP itu telah dinyatakan kepada semua anggota parlimen melalui laporan tahunan Felda.

"Tiada apa yang disembunyikan mengenai kewangan Felda seperti dakwaan yang dikemukakan wakil Permatang Pauh," katanya.

- Bernama

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Data Pelancongan Sabah bocor selepas digodam

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 10:48 PM PDT

Di sebalik jaminan polis bahawa tidak ada data yang akan bocor dalam serangan ke atas laman web kerajaan malam semalam, satu set data pengguna didakwa berjaya dicuri dari laman Pelancongan Sabah dan disiarkan di Internet.

NONEData 392 akaun pengguna laman itu kemudian dimuat-naikkan ke sebuah portal bebas yang tidak dikenali. Ia turut memuatkan emel pengguna, nama pertama dan akhir pengguna dan juga kata lauan mereka yang telah dipadamkan.

Sementara itu, The Star/Asia News Network melaporkan laman yang digodam itu dikesan awal pagi ini oleh ketua pegawai eksekutif syarikat berkenaan.

NONE"Sebahagian daripada laman web itu didapati telah dipadamkan apabila saya melayarinya," kata Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran, yang mengetuai Hack In The Box (M) Sdn Bhd.

"Saya baru pulang dari lawatan luar negara," kata portal itu.

Laman Pelancongan Sabah telah dihentikan seketika.

F-Secure Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat perisian keselamatan komputer mengesahkan perkara itu.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Malaysiakini :: Surat

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Malaysiakini :: Surat

Sudah tiba masanya Exco Perak ditukar

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 02:03 AM PDT

Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Perak mencadangkan dengan melihat pretasi Kontijen Sukan Malaysia (SUKMA) ke-14 negeri Perak sudah tiba masanya Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir menukar Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesenian, Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan Negeri Perak daripada Datuk Zainol Fadli Paharudin kepada Datuk Seri Raja Ahmad Zainuddin Raja Omar memandangkan beliau mempunyai banyak pengalaman berkaitan sukan.

Kedudukan Kontijen Perak kali ini yang menduduki tempat yang terakhir dan juga gagal mendapatkan pingat emas perlu dinilai kembali termasuk ketika SUKMA 13 di Melaka dahulu kita tidak mencapai sasaran yang diinginkan.

Kami yakin imej Kontijen Perak boleh dipulihkan jika mendapat sentuhan seperti Datuk Seri Raja Ahmad Zainuddin dengan pengalaman luasnya.

Kami tidak bertujuan mencampuri urusan Umno/BN di dalam melantik penjawatan mereka, tetapi demi maruah sukan negeri Perak wajar ditukar jika mendatangkan manafaat lebih baik.

Kami yakin pertimbangan Datuk Seri Zambry jika ingin memulihkan imej Kontijen Perak pada SUKMA yang akan datang dan inilah harapan rakyat Perak agar kita mencipta dan mengharumkan nama Perak dalam SUKMA yang boleh dianggap penting ini.

Kami mengharapkan perubahan tersebut akan memajukan sukan dan atlet kerana ia memerlukan orang yang menjiwai sukan dalam menguruskannya.

Penulis adalah Penolong Setiausaha, Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Perak
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BERSIH 2.0: Peniaga akan untung besar

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 06:40 PM PDT

Ketua Penerangan Umno Datuk Ahmad Maslan telah menyatakan bahawa Himpunan Bersih 2 akan menyusahkan rakyat, penjaja, peniaga dan pemandu teksi.

Beliau menyifatkan himpunan ini adalah ancaman kepada ekonomi negara khususnya industri pelancongan dan pelaburan asing.

Perkara pertama yang wajib difahami oleh Datuk Ahmad Maslan adalah himpunan aman tanpa senjata adalah dijamin oleh Perkara 10 Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Ini bermakna bahawa himpunan tanpa senjata adalah halal di sisi undang-undang negara. Semua warganegara Malaysia mempunyai hak yang sama untuk hadir dalam himpunan aman.

Peserta himpunan yang bakal hadir adalah seramai 300 ribu orang. Mereka datang daripada seluruh negara dengan membawa duit perbelanjaan masing-masing, sekurang-kurangnya RM100 seorang.

Dalam masa 3 jam sahaja aliran tunai paling minima di kalangan peserta himpunan Bersih 2 adalah RM30 juta. Mereka akan berbelanja seperti membeli makanan, minuman, pakaian dan lain-lain. Bukan semua mereka berkenderaan ke Kuala Lumpur.

Sebahagian besar mereka menaiki kenderaan awam. Oleh itu perkhidmatan bas, teksi, LRT dan lain-lain akan mendapat pulangan yang berganda. Kenyataan yang menyatakan bahawa penjaja, peniaga dan pemandu teksi akan mengalami kerugian adalah hujah yang paling dangkal di abad ini.

Walaubagaimana pun semua pihak hendaklah saling hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain. Pihak kerajaan, Polis, Jawatankuasa Bersih 2, PERKASA, PERKIDA, parti-parti politik dan lain-lain pihak harus menghormati kebebasan yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan.

Sebagai contoh mengapa tidak pihak polis membuat reformasi dalam menguruskan peserta himpunan dengan meletakkan anggota polis di sepanjang jalan dari Jalan Chow Kit ke Istana Negara di mana Ketua Polis Negara memandu Pengerusi Bersih Datuk Ambiga ke Istana Negara. Di laluan yang lain pula Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara pula mengiringi Datuk Ibrahim Ali menuju ke Istana Negara.

Saya penuh yakin masyarakat negara ini khususnya anak muda sudah jauh terbuka minda mereka terhadap himpunan aman. Masyarakat sudah boleh menerima bahawa himpunan aman adalah suatu keperluan kepada negara demokrasi seperti Malaysia.

Pelancong-pelancong yang hadir akan berpuas hati dengan keharmonian yang berlaku. Seperti mereka melihat sambutan Maulidur Rasul S.A.W dan Thaipusam di Batu Caves.

Pihak polis bekerjasama dengan penganjur bagi menjayakan aktiviti tersebut.

Jika pihak polis bersedia membuat reformasi dalam menguruskan himpunan aman ini maka insya Allah tiada kekacauan akan berlaku dan pihak polis akan dihormati oleh rakyat dan masyarakat antarabangsa.

Penulis adalah Ketua Pemuda PAS Johor
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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Dumping at Penang Hospital: There's more

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 10:23 PM PDT

Is the recent dumping of unused medical items at the Penang Hospital just the tip of the iceberg to a much bigger problem of lack of supervision over procurement, use and disposal in government hospitals?

What society needs, and what consumers deserve is proactive action on the part of the government, namely the Ministry of Health, to ensure a proper monitoring system over all dealings of hospital with suppliers.

It is not prudent spending for hospitals to waste taxpayers' money to buy medical items in quantities or of types that they do not need, and then to simply discard them.

Many questions arise over the Penang Hospital incident where damaged cardboard boxes of unused medical and laboratory items worth thousands of ringgit were found scattered at the officers' quarters. Only a few could still be used as most of the products had expired.

The dumping may have its cause in poor control over either the procurement leading to oversupply, or the disposal leading to indiscriminate dumping.

The hospital authority should take responsibility over what occurred, and follow this up with a thorough investigation.

The hospital director's admission that unused medical items were being kept at the quarters temporarily, while cleaning and maintenance works were carried out on the store, speaks of an apparent lack of accountability.

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) is concerned over the procurement and disposal practices in government hospitals – and even in private hospitals - in view of the dangers these clinical wastes may pose.

There are about 150 government hospitals in Malaysia, and the hospital waste management – from unused and used medical items - has drawn the concern of the authorities and the public.

Regulations for the management of medical or clinical wastes were implemented in 1993, namely: the Policy on Hospital Waste Management; Guidelines for the Management of Clinical and Related Wastes in Hospitals and Health Care Establishments; and the Action Plan for Waste Management in Hospitals and Health Care Establishments.

Prior to that, waste management practices differed among hospitals and the wastes were not clearly categorised nor correctly discarded. There was also little awareness then on how to properly manage hospital wastes among the healthcare workers.

The government privatised the management of clinical wastes in 1997, outsourcing the task to three private consortiums to manage the clinical or medical wastes in the government hospitals for a concession period of 15 years.

There is now a large amount of clinical wastes generated– and the volume keeps increasing year to year – giving rise to much concern.

Among the root causes are overbuying, overuse, increased demand for supplies in the face of infectious diseases and the ageing population in Malaysia, the widespread use of disposable clinical instruments and hygiene items, and shoddy internal and independent audit of hospital procurement.

The concessionaires are responsible for the collection, transport and eventual disposal of wastes but the management of waste at source remains with the hospital authorities.

In 2009, the three concessionaires managed almost 16,000 tons of discarded needles and syringes, gauzes, gloves, plasters, medicines, scalpels, discarded surgical instruments, contaminated bandages, and other wastes – which was three times the total load generated in 2000.

Clinical wastes are expected to grow at an average rate of 12.8 percent annually, and will reach 32,891 tonnes by 2020; this volume is considerably greater than the 18,000 tonnes per year capacity of the current incinerator infrastructure.

The Consumers Association of Penang therefore calls for the government, particularly the Ministry of Health, to reduce wastage and wastes in government hospital as follows:

1. Minimise wastes at source

a. Proper documentation of supplies and making purchases according to need.
b. Regular audit of purchases and disposals, to avoid overbuying.
c. Proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent over-prescription / overuse of drugs.
d. Promote rational drug use as advocated by the World Health Organisation.
e. Disposal of surplus items stored must be approved by the hospital director, and all disposals shall be recorded.
f. Buy the right product to prevent wastage, overuse, and unnecessary spending.
g. Ensure hospitals do not become dumping grounds for expired, or inferior medical products from companies.
h. Better administration for procurement and inventory, to avoid hospitals throwing out perfectly good equipment or products barely or never used.

2. Accountability

3. Relationship between hospital and equipment/drug industry

a. There must be transparency in the relationship between doctors and industry to prevent any real or perceived influence over the purchases.
b. Code of conduct for doctors, administrators and others in positions of influence in hospitals from receiving gifts, favours, etc. that makes them bias or indebted to industry.

4. Prudent behaviour

a. Scrutiny and effective cost comparison to ensure hospitals do not pay twice as much for dressings, medications, and other medical supplies.
b. Collaboration between the government hospitals to negotiate the best procurement deal with suppliers.
c. Avoid falling prey to sales discounts for bulk buying and purchasing beyond their need.

It is important for hospitals to get value for money spent and keep away from wasteful procurement of any sort. The hospitals should draw on the expertise of government advisers if need be to manage the procurement, use and disposal of medical supplies wisely.

CAP calls for more efficient procurement practices and waste disposals at the various government hospitals, in accordance with the Ministry guidelines.

We call on the government to have proper auditing and accountability to prevent incidences of overpayment for products, overbuying, and mismanagement of wastes within the hospital grounds.

Transparency and accountability measures must be used to hold hospital administrators accountable.

The writer is president of the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP)

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Time to shut down Johor's Saleng Zoo

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 10:13 PM PDT

The Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (Mycat), comprising the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) – Malaysia Programme and WWF-Malaysia, commends the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (Perhilitan) on their decision to not renew the operating permit of Saleng Zoo in Johor.

Over the years, the zoo has been in the spotlight for various run-ins with the law and has been the subject of many public complaints. The most shocking find by Perhilitan was the 21 dead tiger cubs in its freezer in 2008.

Among the zoo's other previous offences is possession of wildlife without permits including a baby elephant, two slow lorises, a Tomistoma and a number of pythons and storks which were seized by Perhilitan in various raids. The zoo owner also claimed in an interview in December 2008 that Perhilitan has seized more than 20 animals from his zoo in the past six to seven years.

It has been known to rent its tiger cubs for appearances and 'roadshows' - a violation of the law in which the wildlife permit is attached to the animal at the stated premise only, which means that it cannot be taken from one place to another.

In terms of evidence, these compounding offences alone give Perhilitan enough reasons to shut down Saleng Zoo.

We request that Perhilitan disclose records of Saleng Zoo's past cases that have been settled and compounded, pending cases especially the case of the dead tiger cubs, and other offences such as the breeding and hybridisation of protected wildlife.

MYCAT urges Natural Resources and Environment Minister Douglas Uggah Embas to boldly pursue zoos that repeatedly flout our laws and ensure that the owners are never granted a special permit again.

MYCAT calls upon the public to support current efforts to evaluate zoos, and demand strong action against errant zoos. This is the time for members of the public, who had asked for better protection for captive animals, to walk the talk and make your voice heard. We need to make sure that these establishments are closed, and will remain closed, as too many chances have been given in the past, with the only result being that the offender repeatedly violates wildlife laws time and again.

We also call upon the media to cease publicising Saleng and other zoos which are known offenders.

With the passing of the strengthened Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, Malaysians have a real chance to clean up our act in an organised and legal way to deal with all the problems local zoos face today that has given Malaysia a bad name.

The law is in place. Perhilitan has shown that it wants to say 'Enough'. The public demand for better zoos is there. Our wildlife should not be suffering at the hands of errant zoos, poachers, illegal traders. Let us instead support Perhilitan's efforts to protect our wildlife and show no mercy to repeat offenders.

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