Ahad, 7 Ogos 2011

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Salah tangkapan: Mahfuz, Salahuddin saman k'jaan

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 10:03 PM PDT

Naib presiden PAS Salahuddin Ayub dan Datuk Mahfuz Omar hari ini memfailkan saman ke atas kerajaan persekutuan dan Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar kerana "salah tangkapan" semasa perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 pada 9 Julai lalu.

Turut dinamakan sebagai responden adalah Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid dan pegawai polis yang menangkap mereka Inspektor Mohd Zaid Madzizat.

NONEDalam saman sivil berasingan yang difailkan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, mereka mendakwa tangkapan itu telah memfitnah dan memalukan mereka.

Saman itu difailkan menerusi syarikat guaman Tetuan Faiz Fadzil & Co bersama peguam Zulhazmi Sharif.

Kedua-dua naib presiden PAS itu menuntut ganti rugi am, ganti rugi teruk dan gantirugi teladan, kos serta lain-lain relif atau perintah yang difikirkan sesuai oleh mahkamah.

Selain itu, mereka juga menuntut faedah pada kadar 8 peratus setahun ke atas jumlah penghakiman dari tarikh writ saman sehingga penyelesaian penuh.

Gambaran buruk

Pada sidang medianya, Mahfuz yang juga ahli parlimen Pokok Sena memberitahu saman itu dibuat sebagai memberi peringatan dan pengajaran kepada pihak kerajaan agar tidak melakukan sesuatu sesuka hati di luar undang-undang.

NONE"Kami anggap tangkapan ini telah memberi gambaran buruk kepada kami seolah-olah kami melakukan kesalahan.

"Jumlah tuntutan gantirugi kita akan bincang dengan peguam," katanya.

Salahudin yang juga ahli parlimen Kubang Kerian pula turut sependapat bahawa tindakan saman itu sebagai teguran kepada kerajaan dan pihak polis.

"Ini bukan untuk diri kami tetapi sebagai teguran agar kerajaan bertindak secara adil," katanya.

Mereka sebelum ini mendakwa penahanan mereka di KL Sentral ketika perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 pada 9 Julai lalu adalah tidak sah.

Katanya, penahanan yang dilakukan oleh pihak polis adalah di luar kawasan yang diwartakan sebagai kawasan larangan untuk dimasuki oleh mereka.

NONEMereka ditangkap kira-kira pukul 11.50 pagi sebelum ditahan hampir 10 jam di lokap polis di Balai Polis Jinjang.

Sepanjang dalam tahanan juga, pihak polis tidak mengambil apa-apa keterangan daripada mereka dan juga tidak diberitahu sebab-sebab penahanan mereka.

Mereka juga tidak dibenarkan menghubungi dan bertemu peguam dan keluarganya dan ini adalah bertentangan dengan Seksyen 28A (2) Kanun Prosedur Jenayah.

Berikutan tindakan di luar undang-undang itu, kedua-dua merekatelah membuat laporan polis pada 11 Julai lalu.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Ambiga: SPR akan buat perubahaan jika ditekan

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 09:41 PM PDT

Selepas mendapat sokongan meluas daripada ribuan rakyat pelbagai lapisan masyarakat pada perhimpunan 9 Julai lalu, BERSIH 2.0 meneruskan tekanan ke atas Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bagi melakukan pembaharuan dalam sistem pilihan raya negara.

Namun, pada dua perdebatan di antara pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan dengan timbalan pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar baru-baru ini, tidak menunjukkan ada tanda-tanda SPR mempunyai komitmen bagi mengusahakan sebarang pembaharuan atas alasan suruhanjaya itu tidak mempunyai kuasa perundangan bagi berbuat demikian.

bersih rally july 9 crowd face-off with police 1Justeru, ramai penyokong BERSIH 2.0 mencadangkan supaya gabungan itu memindahkan fokus mereka kepada kerajaan BN yang memiliki kuasa majoriti di Parlimen bagi meminda undang-undang sebelum pembaharuan boleh dijalankan.

Bagaimanapun, dalam satu wawancara dengan Malaysiakini minggu lalu, Ambiga berkata beliau masih menaruh harapan pada suruhanjaya berkenaan bagi melakukan pembaharuan.

"Saya masih menaruh harapan. Saya masih berharap perkara akan berubah," katanya dengan nada tegas.

NONEBekas presiden Majlis Peguam itu berkata perlembagaan persekutuan meletakkan pesuruhjaya pilihan raya pada kedudukan yang setaraf dengan hakim mahkamah persekutuan, justeru meninggalkan SPR daripada menuntut pembaharuan adalah satu kesilapan.

"Saya fikir kita mungkin perlu berunding dengan kedua-dua mereka (SPR dan parti pemerintah). SPR mungkin berpendapat mereka tidak mempunyai kuasa, kita tidak bersetuju, kadang-kadang ini adalah persoalan menyerahkan kuasa dan kita mesti terus memujuk mereka bahawa hakikatnya mereka mempunyai lebih banyak kuasa daripada yang mereka sedari.

azlan"Pada pandangan saya, mereka badan yang bertanggungjawab. Memindahkan fokus daripada mereka adalah satu kesilapan kerana anda akan menghantar mesej bahawa mereka tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap perjalanan pilihan raya di negara ini dan ini saya kurang bersetuju.

"Saya fikir mereka bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya dan banyak perkara yang boleh mereka lakukan dan saya fikir jika mereka mengambil pendirian tidak memihak kerajaan, mereka terpaksa lakukannya kerana mereka badan yang bebas dan sepatutnya berbuat demikian," kata Ambiga.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Star article on Penang riddled with factual errors

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 02:08 AM PDT

We refer to the Star's column on July 31 'The Penang Dilemma' which is not only riddled with factual errors but is unbalanced in only quoting views from pro-BN NGOs biased against the Pakatan Rakyat administration led by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Allow me to state some facts. First the unruly and violent demonstration on July 1 was organised not by NGOs but by Umno senator Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor.

Not only did the Umno demonstrators deliberately block traffic in the middle of the Penang bridge causing a horrendous traffic jam as long as 10 km, but they also beat up reporters covering the event. Senator Ezam even wanted to overthrow Lim as Chief Minister immediately without waiting for elections.

Second, the demographic make-up of Penang based on the 2010 Malaysian Statistics Department is as follows: Chinese 670,400 or 45.6 percent, Malays 636,146 or 43.6 percent and Indians 153,472 or 10.4 percent.

Third it is not true that there are no low-cost housing projects or not enough jobs created. As a people-centric government, the Penang Pakatan government has built and approved 11,596 low and medium-cost housing since taking over in 2008.

Penang now faces a skilled as well as a workers shortage due to its success of drawing in investments, becoming top in Malaysia for the first time in history in 2010 with RM12.24 billion.

We reject as totally false, lies that either Lim or the Pakatan Penang state government is anti-Malay as alleged by Umno or anti-Chinese as alleged by MCA. Our open tender system treats everyone equally and is colour-blind.

Unfortunately views from genuine and independent Malay NGOs were neither canvassed nor reported. If Malay contractors get the majority of the contracts by open tenders, they deserve to and prove that Malay contractors are able to compete with others. There is no dilemma there.

Jeffrey Chew is Special Assistant to Chief Minister of Penang

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Malaysia truly unique in Asia

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 01:28 AM PDT

Ironically we had a national tourism tagline flying the globe. We claimed to be an experience that is 'Truly Asian'. Strangely none of our Asian neighbours thought of even coming anywhere near such superlatives. And we know today that they were the wiser for doing so.

Today, going by the race and religious dichotomies that threatens to split and tatter the social framework of a nation that has hardly flown to a developed plateau, Malaysians are being watched with great concern by our neighbours.

Today, travellers will tell you that Malaysia is even being regarded with a tinge of suspicious worry considering how the country is increasingly being bludgeoned with Islam versus Christianity attacks.

Today, while our neighbours are well on the highway of calling themselves after their national band, i.e. Indonesians, Thais, Singaporeans, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Filipinos, we on the other extreme are after the Malay, Chinese and Indian throats as we are even into debating vehemently whether we are Malaysians first or race first.

While political parties in Asia - especially within our close neighbourhood nations, are progressing along the bandwidth of championing humanitarian and democratic values, we are screaming full throttle for race preservation fueled by race annihilation battle-cries.

While our neighboring countries – Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Philippines are forging ahead, courting with religious harmony and co-existence, we are sharpening our axes for the resurrection and crucifying of one religion at the expense of another.

Now for how long more can we continue to deceive ourselves by claiming that Malaysia is a unique country and therefore its race and religion wars have to be fought by the hair and throat?

For how long more will Malaysians be able to endure these vexatious moments that have been dragging for over three decades and seem set to go overdrive anytime soon?

Lest we also forget, whatever comes out on the main stream media is also being filtered by our neighbors. Their citizens are also riding the numerous forums on the cyber loop. Hence is it any surprise if Malaysians are being watched with immense concern and suspicion by the neighboring and global community?

It is not going to serve us all any better if we deny all of these tips of the icebergs while preaching that the going is great in the country. We do not have to use the yardstick of the first-world. Just by humbly comparing us with our third-world brothers and sisters, we will know the harsh and frightening truth.

In none of these countries do we hear their citizens being shouted at within the Parliament "Balik Cina-lah; balik-India lah!" (Return to China, to India).

Nowhere do you hear of their citizens wanting to run away from their homeland for good. They only leave short-term and temporarily merely to bring back greater wealth to their loving and inseparable home nations.

But we have to set up engines at great cost to go out into the diasporas to woo and entice ex-Malaysians to return. Why? What does it tell us?

We need not even philosophize. Just take the case of flying the national flag. How many times each year do we have to issue advisories, appeals, and even stern directives to fly the symbol of hope - the Malaysian flag, only to be met with cold response. But this is never the case with other nations. Thailand is a classic example.

Truly, Malaysia despite all the blessings of rubber, tin, palm, oil, good soil and climate, and seas all around – is a spoilt and wasting child, politically. We have squandered our blessings simply because the powers that be propagated, nurtured and fuelled race and religious divisiveness.

And so today painfully the awakened and weary cry despite still having millions living in self denial – that infamous 'semuanya ok' mentality in Malaysia.

Indeed Malaysia risks being turned from a rising tiger to an injured tiger; meanwhile the rest of the region will be well poised to ride the next wave of the Long Tail given the countries' loyal and united citizenry with zero race and religious blinkers.

Unless we wake up, face the truth in the eye and say enough is enough there is going to be none to heal this nation. But to do that we have to ask ourselves honestly, "are we capable and do we have what it takes to save this nation for a future in history?"

And who shall be our leaders to march us onward before all else is too late?

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