Selasa, 16 Ogos 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

SPR bantah BERSIH 2.0 diwakili dalam JK khas

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 10:18 PM PDT

Timbalan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar menyarankan kepada kerajaan supaya menolak penyertaan BERSIH 2.0 dalam Jawatankuasa Khas Parlimen untuk tujuan pembaharuan terhadap sistem pilihan raya negara.

NONEMenurut laporan akhbar Berita Harian hari ini, Wan Ahmad berkata jawatankuasa berkenaan sepatutnya hanya dianggotai oleh wakil rakyat yang mewakili parti politik masing-masing .

Sehubungan itu, katanya cadangan PKR supaya NGO terutama gabungan pilihan raya bersih dan adil (BERSIH) dilibatkan dalam jawatankuasa itu tidak dapat diterima.

Ini kerana agenda utama yang dibincangkan adalah mengenai urusan pilihan raya untuk memberi kepuasan kepada parti politik yang bertanding.

"Lebih baik hanya wakil rakyat yang dipilih rakyat menganggotai jawatankuasa itu supaya tidak ada campur tangan," katanya.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Bekas COO Pempena bebas tuduhan pecah amanah

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 09:50 PM PDT

Bekas ketua pegawai operasi (COO) Pempena, Mohamad Rosly Selamat dan bekas pengawal kewangannya, Lim Khing Tai hari ini dibebaskan daripada tuduhan pecah amanah membabitkan wang RM169,770.

NONEMereka dibebaskan oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur tanpa dipanggil untuk membela diri.

Hakim Rozana Ali Yusof berkata setelah meneliti fakta-fakta, mahkamah mendapati kedua-duanya bertindak dengan cara yang sepatutnya dan mereka mengikut arahan pegawai atasan mereka, termasuk menteri pelancongan.

Katanya, terdapat juga bukti dari saksi, Ummi Hafilda Ali, bahawa wang itu tidak dibelanjakan untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri.

Tambahnya, terdapat bukti bahawa urusniaga dan cek tersebut ditandatangani dengan cara yang terbuka dan telus.

Berikutan itu, katanya, mahkamah membebaskan kedua-dua mereka daripada tuduhan tersebut tanpa dipanggil membela diri.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Jais should not act like Gestapo

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 02:05 AM PDT

Since when did the constitution allow an organisation to barge into a religious buiding (church, temple) and boss around in the name of protecting Islam?

It is the tradition that a religious building is open to everyone who wishes to pray, to seek advice or just to seek solace and respite. There is no compulsion for a person to enter or to leave

So why was Jais so steamed up as to gatecrash a social gathering at the Damansara Utama Christian church, just because a few Muslims were present and having a conversation with other friends?

Jais inspectors could have joined the gathering and participated in the discussions to find out what was is going on.

They could have left quietly if satisfied it was a social gathering, and not a meeting to preach to Muslims to convert them to a different faith.

So what was all the drama, action and fuss about? Why is there a phobia of Malay Muslims opting out of Islam?

The cause of the phobia is the aim of ketuanan Melayu which preaches that with Malay unity, Islam, the Malays will remain strong and powerful.

This ketuanan policy has led to the misconception that Muslims and non-Muslims cannot meet together especially on non-Muslim premises.

It is this narrow concept that has blocked the integration of the races in the country.

In contrast, the Buddhiara could mix easily wih Christians, Hindus with Christians or Christians with Sikhs. Similarly, in Sarawak, the Dayaks, Melanaus, Kadazans, Chinese, and other races mix with each other freely.

There is no phobia of proselytisation of Muslims by other religions.

Umno should learn from the example of Indonesia, which is the second largest Muslim country in the world, but it has a per capital income of US$3,033 which is much lower than the US$8,030 of Malaysia.

So where is the rationale for Umno to insist on a ketuanan Melayu policy which will only keep most Malays poor like their counterparts in Indonesia.

PR has a Ketuanan Rakyat policy, which states that all Malaysians are equal. We stress on religious freedom, democracy , justice and transparency to unite the people of Malaysia, and become a country that is progressive, prosperous and successful.

Dr CHEN MAN HIN is DAP Life Advisor.

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