Rabu, 6 Julai 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Wanita PKR dakwa Najib langgar titah Agong

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 10:41 PM PDT

Wanita PKR hari ini mengecam perdana menteri kerana didakwa membiarkan menteri dalam negeri mengenakan tindakan ke atas perhimpunan BERSIH.

Ketua pergerakan itu, Zuraida Kamaruddin berkata, Datuk Seri Najib Razak tidak seharusnya membiarkan Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein terus mengarahkan polis menahan individu yang didakwa terbabit dengan perhimpunan berkenaan.

"Ini adalah suatu tindakan yang amat biadap kerana jelas telah melanggar titah baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

"Ini kerana, secara jelas Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan (Zainal Abidin) telah memberi perkenan untuk diadakan perhimpunan aman ini.

"Maka Hishammuddin seharusnya taat dan patuh," katanya lagi dalam satu sidang media di ibu pejabat parti itu hari ini.

Membaca satu kenyataan, Zuraida mendakwa, Najib sebaliknya "memberi perlindungan tertinggi" kepada menterinya itu untuk mengambil tindakan sewenang-wenang.

"Walaupun Agong dah jumpa pemimpin BERSIH, mereka tetap ambil tindakan ke atas BERSIH," ," katanya.

"Ini tindakan menghina Agong," tambahnya yang turut menuntut suapa Hishammuddin segera membebaskan seramai hampir 200 orang yang ditahan berhubung BERSIH dalam serbuan polis yang dijalankan sejak 25 Jun lalu.

[Berita penuh menyusul]

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Kempen anti BERSIH dibawa ke lebuhraya

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 10:20 PM PDT

Kerajaan memperhebatkan kempen bagi melumpuhkan perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 yang dijadualkan Sabtu ini dengan menyebarkan larangan itu bukan sahaja di masjid dan universiti tetapi juga di beberapa lebuhraya.

highway 200404Tinjauan Malaysiakini hari ini mendapati amaran berkenaan bukan sahaja dipaparkan di kain rentang tetapi juga dipamerkan di papan tanda elektronik sepanjang lebuhraya DUKE.

Notis yang sama juga dikesan sejak dua hari lalu di lebuhraya Sprint berhampiran Mont Kiara.

Selain itu, sekolah-sekolah seluruh negara, khususnya sekitar Lembah Klang juga difahamkan telah mengingatkan peljar dan guru-guru supaya menjauhkan diri mereka daripada perhimpunan itu.

Jumaat lalu, masjid-masjid juga mengeluarkan khutbah mengingatkan umat Islam bahawa perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 adalah haram.

[Baca berita penuh]

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Malaysiakini :: Surat

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Malaysiakini :: Surat

Tarik balik tuduhan liar terhadap BERSIH 2.0

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 07:50 PM PDT

Pemuda PAS menjunjung kasih kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin yang telah berkenan mengadakan pertemuan dengan Jawatankuasa Bersih 2 pada hari semalam selasa 5 Julai 2011.

Rakyat jelata merasa bersyukur atas keperihatinan Tuanku memberi nasihat berguna kepada semua pihak. Tuanku telah berjanji akan menyampaikan segala tuntutan Bersih 2 kepada pihak kerajaan.

Pertemuan ini juga merupakan pengiktirafan Tuanku terhadap Bersih 2 untuk menuntut suatu pilihanraya yang bersih dan adil di negara tercinta ini.

Sebelum ini Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishmuddin Hussin telah menuduh Bersih 2 adalah pertubuhan haram, dikaitkan dengan fahaman komunis dan dituduh sebagai golongan yang mahu mencetuskan suasana huru hara dalam negara.

Atas tuduhan ini maka pihak polis telah menangkap lebih daripada 100 orang, melarang ceramah Bersih, mengeledah rumah suspek, membuat sekatan jalan raya, melarang memakai baju kuning dan lain-lain lagi.

Pemuda PAS mendesak Hishamuddin menarik balik segala tuduhan tersebut. Tuduhan ini adalah tuduhan yang serius dan telah menyebabkan suasana tidak selesa di kalangan rakyat negara ini.

Jika tuduhan ini tidak ditarik maka seolah-olah telah berlaku komplik di antara nasihat Yang di-Pertuan Agong dengan arahan Menteri Dalam Negeri. Rakyat merasa keliru terhadap masalah ini.

Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abd Razak pun telah memberi kebenaran bersyarat untuk mengadakan perhimpunan di Stadium.

Pihak Bersih 2 pun telah bersetuju dengan cadangan pihak kerajaan. Jika Menteri Dalam Negeri tidak menarik balik tuduhan terhadap Bersih 2 maka Menteri Dalam Negeri juga telah berkomplot dengan Perdana Menteri.

Semua pihak termasuk media dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan tertentu yang telah melebelkan Bersih 2 akan mengadakan perhimpunan haram hendaklah menarik balik tuduhan tersebut.

Ini kerana Jawatankusa Bersih 2 tidak perlu mendapat permit daripada pihak polis untuk mengadakan perhimpunan dalam stadium kerana kawasan tersebut adalah kawasan persendirian.

Ini telah jelas dinyatakan dalam seksyen 27A Akta Polis 1967(Akta 344). Yang perlu dipohon adalah kebenaran pemilik stadium sahaja.

Pemuda PAS Johor akan mengerahkan lebih daripada 30 ribu ahli dan penyokong untuk hadir secara beramai-ramai ke Perhimpunan Bersih 2 di stadium yang akan ditetapkan pada hari sabtu 9hb Julai 2011.

Mereka tidak perlu bimbang kerana himpunan ini bukan himpunan haram sebaliknya himpunan halal yang dilindungi oleh perkara 10 Perlembagaan Malaysia dan tidak bertentangan dengan akta polis 1967.

Penulis adalah Ketua Pemuda PAS Negeri Johor dan Pengerusi Pemulihan Demokrasi Dan Mobilisasi Rakyat, Pemuda PAS Pusat
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Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Does Bersih 2.0 serve a point?

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 04:47 AM PDT

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men [and women] to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Basically we are tired of a unfair election system. We are sick of the fact that the Electoral Commission can draw electoral lines at whim, and we are tired that we are not really sure that our vote counts as it should.

Why is it that a DAP Member of Parliament can have a constituency of 50,000 people when a BN Member of Parliament has a constituency can only have 10,000 people?

This is most obvious in the case of Seputeh, where Teresa Kok received 47,230 votes from 58,207 votes cast versus the case of Putrajaya, where Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor received a majoriry of 2,492 votes out of 5,500 votes.

The disparity between seats are staggering.

The sheer disproportion of the drawing of constituencies has to be put in doubt in what has been dubbed as 'gerrymandering'.

The most recent example was reported by Malaysiakini in their May 26, 2011 article claiming that 1,210 voters from the Sabak state constituency have been transferred to Sungai Panjang.

The most telling statistic is that something is not right with everything at home comes from the most recent 2008 General Election, where Barisan Nasional garnered a simple majority of 50.27% of the popular vote, but held 140 seats or 63.1% in Parliament, as compared to the opposition who garnered 46.75% of the popular vote, but only translates to 82 seats or 36.9% in Parliament.

Although it is all in the guise of democracy, it is clear that some votes count more than others.

Now, we have Najib, Muyhiddin Yasin, Hishammudin Hussein, Khairy and Ibrahim Ali all jumping into the mix, on one side saying that it is a matter of national security that the march should be stopped and the other side who said that they would march as well.

In the mainstream media, the hype continues and it heightens day by day culminating in the arrest of 30 Parti Sosialis Malayia activists accused to be communists, and a youth in Gombak Baru, Kuala Lumpur being arrested for wearing a Berish T-shirt.

So does Bersih really serve a point? The government doesn't like it, the police don't like it nor do the cabbies. It is disruptive to public order and it will bring Kuala Lumpur to a standstill.

The likelihood of a clash is high, whether it is between Perkasa and Bersih, or the police and Bersih, or between the police, Bersih, Perkasa and UMNO Youth all at the same time. Although most of the crowd will remain calm, it is always a couple of individuals who spoil it all for everyone.

Despite all of this, the government continues to practice double standards. If Perkasa can continue their message of hate, for Utusan Malaysia to continue defaming Datuk Ambiga, but for poets and opposition members pulled up for 'sedition', Bersih 2.0 has to go on.

What this would do is expose the BN coalition for what it really is, and the whole world will be watching with intense interest.

All democracies require a free and fair system. Similarly, the right to assemble is another of our rights enshrined in our own constitution. If we can't do something as simple as uphold our constitution, we become prisoners in our own country.

For those who want to march, bring along a bottle of water, goggles and a hand towel. For those in KL who don't want to join the rally, stay at home.

If you do go out, expect severe delays. But wherever we are on July 9, let us be united in spirit for a united, peaceful, democratic nation.


DOUGLAS TAN is a DAP member who yearns for a fair, peaceful and prosperous nation. He currently resides in KL.

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Release PSM political detainees immediately

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 01:44 AM PDT

Stop the charade and release the remaining six PSM political detainees immediately.

The six PSM leaders are now being detained without trial under the draconian Emergency Ordinance - the Other ISA.

Till now, they have been denied access to legal representatives and family visits. We are worried for their safety and their well being.

We demand their immediate unconditional release.

The charade by the Najib administration:

  • First the 30 were arrested on 25th June and remanded the following day under Section 122 of the Penal Code for the charge of waging war against the King.
  • On 26th June 2011, The Police paraded several T-shirts of former MCP leaders and PSM Newspapers as subversive elements and said PSM was trying to revive the MCP.
  • On July 2nd, the end of the remand period, the police released six of the detainees including Dr Jeyakumar - PSM Member of Parliament, M Saraswathy - Party's National Deputy Chairperson , Choo Chon Kai - Central Committee Member and three others from all charges under Section 122 but they were immediately rearrested under the draconian Emergency ordinance.
  • The six were initially given family notification letters which stated that they have been arrested under the EO to prevent them from participating in the July 9 Bersih rally. This was replaced later by another which stated that they have been arrested under the EO to maintain public order. In the media, the Deputy IGP said that those arrested under EO were subversives with links to foreign elements. The script kept changing.
  • For the remaining 24, the police asked another seven days extension under the same Section 122 - 'waging war against the King' in spite of key leaders of PSM been cleared from the same allegation a few hours before that. The police requested seven days stating that they have a list of things to do including holding an ID parade. The court gave them another three days.
  • But in the three days, there was no ID parade or any other investigation. Those detained were just languishing in their lock-ups.
  • On July 4th 2011, at 4pm - when the banks were be closing(making bail processing impossible) , the 24 were charged now NOT under 122 but under Section 48 and Section 43 of the Societies Act; and section Section 29 (1) of the Internal Security Act for being in possession of subversive documents.

Bail was set at RM8,000 each which means RM192,000 in total.

In the charge sheet, it is stated that the illegal organisation is Bersih though the PSM campaign ended on June 26 before Bersih was banned by the home minister while the subversive documents were leaflets on Bersih's eight demands.

Now these 24 are not charged for the PSM "Udahlah Bersaralah" leaflet nor were they charged for having possession of T-shirts of MCP leaders and other T-shirts.

Udahlah...end the charade now.

PSM would also like to categorically state that PSM will not compromise on the release of the six for supporting the Bersih rally on the 9th.

The rally is the right of the rakyat in a democratic society to exercise their freedom of assembly and expression.

PSM calls upon the immediate and unconditional release of the EO Six.
Their continued detention is a violation at the highest level by a corrupt and cowardly government.

S.Arutchelvan is PSM Secretary General.

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