Ahad, 21 Ogos 2011

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

Pemimpin anti-Samy dilantik senator

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 11:14 PM PDT

Pengerusi Parti Progresif Penduduk (PPP) Melaka, Datuk Chiw Tiang Chai, pengerusi MIC Petaling Jaya Selatan, Bharat Maniam dan ketua Wanita MIC Selangor, S Bagiam mengangkat sumpah sebagai senator di Dewan Negara hari ini.

NONEUpacara itu disempurnakan di hadapan Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara
Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang.

Chiw, 54, yang juga naib pengerusi BN Melaka, dilantik semula selepas penggal pertamanya berakhir pada 2008.

Bharat Maniam yang nama sebenarnya V Subramaniam, 56, dan Bagiam, 52, pula dilantik sebagai senator buat pertama kali.

- Bernama

'Gerakan murtadkan umat Islam semakin berani'

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 11:14 PM PDT

Isu kontroversi memurtadkan umat Islam negara ini dilakukan dengan semakin berani, dakwa akhbar harian Melayu, Sinar Harian.

"Dari semasa ke semasa, kita boleh perhatikan usaha itu dilakukan dengan semakin berani. Jika dahulu, kita hanya biasa mendengar risalah dakwah bukan Islam ditinggal lari dalam bekas barang motosikal, diselit pada pengelap cermin kereta atau dalam peti surat, namun apa yang berlaku kini lebih daripada itu lagi," kata Sinar dalam ruangan kolum Isninnya.

sinar harian 220811 mereka makin berani murtadLaporan itu juga berkata gerakan memurtadkan orang Islam semakin berani dan dilakukan secara terbuka. Sehubungan itu, ia merayu usaha membantu mereka dari segi ekonomi, terutama menerusi tabung zakat atau Baitul Mal perlu ditingkatkan.

Ia juga memaparkan dakwaan seorang ustaz yang mendakwa pernah memutadkan lebih 200 umat Islam apabila dirinya dilatih menjadi mubaligh dan seorang paderi.

Mohd Farhan Abdullah al-Hafiz, yang pernah dikenali sebagai Yohanus, adalah anak kepada seorang pemimpin ketua gereja di Kota Belud, Sabah yang dilatih menjadi mubaligh Kristian sebelum meninggalkan agama itu pada 1990.

Bagaimanapun akibat sering diburu perasaan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dalam hidupnya, terutama tentang apa yang dibuatnya selama ini dan juga atas beberapa insiden, hati Yohanus tiba-tiba berubah menjadi tertarik kepada Islam, satu agama dan umat yang paling dimusuhinya sejak kecil.

sinar harian 220811 mereka makin berani murtad"Kepercayaan saya (waktu itu) sering berperang dengan hati sendiri," katanya.

Namun segala-galanya berubah, sebaik sahaja dia mengucap dua kalimah syahadah pada 1990.

"Segala keraguan dan keluh-kesah itu pergi dengan tiba-tiba. Hingga sekarang, saya berasa amat tenang bersama Islam, sesuatu yang saya tidak pernah rasai dulu," katanya dipetik Sinar.

[Baca berita penuh]

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

God's love does not discriminate, people do

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 03:57 AM PDT

As a Catholic Christian I fully support the freedom of two consenting adults to marry one another regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

To make a vow to love another person with all they have and what they are is a beautiful thing from whatever angle you look at it. I believe that the Gospel calls out to people of goodwill and not just Christians to love and support all people without any prejudice.

I write in support and blessing for the marriage of Ouyang WenFeng and his partner Phineas.

Just as once upon a time when many men felt that women should be kept like properties at their whim, that women should not vote or participate in public life because they were deemed lesser than men; or when people were once stereotyped into various racial classes and those who were inferior in that class were treated as lesser humans; the challenge today is to extend that abhorrence we feel towards racism and sexism to that of the immorality of heterosexism and homophobia.

The calling from all our major faith tradition demands and challenges us to accord each human person the inherent dignity of being an equal member of the human family, what some of us within the Abrahamic traditions would call 'a child of God'.

A person is endowed with inalienable human rights, with that, the acknowledgement of the undeniable need of every person the basic right to share love and be loved.

With so much cruel and unkindly rage that has been directed towards Rev Ouyang and his partner from some quarters of our Malaysian community, the time is now for people of goodwill to rise up and challenge the sins and evils of heterosexism and homophobia; whether we do or do not yet understand the complexity of our human sexuality, we have lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex sisters and brothers as our family members, colleagues, friends, known or unknown to us.

As heterosexism and homophobia present its ugly face before us, it is a crucial opportunity for our community here to no longer be indifferent to the plight of these sisters and brothers of ours, often humiliated and abused by our silence.

Now is our opportunity to make the leap from hate to love, from ignorance to understanding, from silence and silencing to listening and celebrating their stories, our stories; it is a crucial and sacred pilgrimage we have to make for ourselves as Malaysians and as people of faith to say that the violence of heterosexism and homophobia must depart and no longer be part of our ways.

I am reminded by an Islamic scholar friend that marriage is differently experienced by different traditions, cultures, communities and individuals.

What used to be an exchange or handing over of property from a father to a prospective other privileged-male for their spreading of 'seeds', with an exchange of valuable currency we now symbolically name as 'dowry' is thank goodness no longer a real practice or belief.

There are historical notions that comes with marriage, if taken seriously would not have anyone come an inch close to it.

When we celebrate someone's marriage, we celebrate how they love each other above all other additional good or bad 'fruits' that marriage can bring.

Marriage equality for same sex couples are a natural progression in the face of our ongoing challenge against violent patriarchy and sinful heterosexism and homophobia that has cause so much grief to so many of our fellow human family.

As the Christian theologian Fr James Alison puts it wonderfully, homosexuality is a "non-pathological minority variant of the human condition", in my thinking, a community that is just and compassionate can be easily identified in the manner by which it cares for its vulnerable minorities, and our sacred faith traditions calls us to see the living Divine in the individual faces of these sisters and brothers of ours, often sadly mutilated- spiritually, psychologically, socially and sadly physically by our bigoted homophobic and heterosexist ways.

I recall the late Cardinal Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster who said in a pastoral letter that: "To love another is in fact to reach out to God who shares his lovableness with the one we love. To be loved is to receive a sign, or a share, of God's unconditional love. To love another is to have entered the area of the richest human experience, whether that love is between persons of the same sex or of a different sex."

With that let us think of those families, friends, colleagues, classmates who live in constant fear because of our society's bigotry through homophobia and heterosexism.

Think of that vulnerable young person who is constantly shamed and humiliated because he can't be anything but himself, just 'different' (aren't we all?); think of a closeted friend who is suffering because they are forced into the situation of an arbituary heterosexual marriage; think of a young person with deep psychological trauma contemplating self harm because of internalised and expressed homophobia and heterosexism directed towards them at home, in their community of worship, their place of learning, or their workplace.

All of these sisters and brothers of ours are forced to live a life of fear and shame because of our persistent ignorance, silent cruelty and disgraceful sense of entitlement.

One can only be so fortunate to witness a great sign of hope in our lifetime, and there are far and few between.

Within this context, as a fellow brother in this Malaysian part of the human family, I can only bless and give thanks for this great sign of hope and love, manifested in the form of the marriage of Ouyang WenFeng and Phineas, and that of Thomas and Apple in Batu Pahat.

I pray for the coming of a day when I will witness our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex children, family, friends and colleagues proudly lift high their heads because we have finally come to realisation that their love is just as beautiful if not more; and that their courageous love and compassion that have overcome awful challenges and struggles most of us would never encounter let alone able to comprehend, will be finally be honoured and celebrated, love that is truly- sacred.

Where is the cooking oil?

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 01:31 AM PDT

Sabah has the largest oil palm plantations in Malaysia covering over one million hectares. It was reported that the country earned a total of RM13.56 billion from oil palm from 5.136 million tonnes of crude palm oil in 2010.

Thus, the country is also the largest producer of cooking oil.

Yet, lately, there is shortage of cooking oil in the market. When asked, Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Tan Lian Hoe said confidently that there was no shortage. He went to the extent of saying that the people could bathe with it and there would be more to spare.

His statement which was published in the Chinese press, was not well received by the business community in Tawau.

DAP Sabah Chairman YB Jimmy Wong and I took time to check the outlets in Tawau on last Tuesday.

We checked out a wholesale market and two supermarkets. It is confirmed that the oil palm-based cooking oils were not found on the shelves of supermarkets. What we saw were expensive cooking oils from soya bean and corn.

The owner of a wholesale market informed us that the supplies of cooking oil were inadequate.

The wholesaler said it now received about 296 cartons of 17kg/carton cooking oil (5,032 kg) as opposed to the usual 34,000 kg (2,000 cartons) before the crisis. This has made the retailers and wholesalers unhappy.

We were informed that the official subsidised price of cooking oil is RM2.75/kg. The wholesaler to retailers' price is RM2.73, a tiny two cents profit margin.

Like many of the subsidies, the main beneficiaries are the foreigners who buy the subsidised goods and smuggle them over to a neighbouring country. The subsidised cooking oil is sold at RM5 per kg in the neighbouring country, a lucrative profit margin.

A mini-market owner wants the government to find a solution on how to sell these subsidised goods that will benefit the targeted group of Sabahans and also investigate and control the smuggling of subsidised commodities as they are rampant.

Jimmy Wong, who is Sri Tanjung assemblyperson, has been asked by supermarket owners to bring several matters affecting the business community in the next sitting of the assembly which starts tomorrow to Wednesday.

They informed the DAP leaders that supermarkets are now only supplied with 10 cartons of cooking oil versus five cartons for the small outlets on a weekly basis.

This is just not enough and has burdened many people especially our Muslim friends who will be celebrating the Hari Raya at the end of this month.

They want to know the reason why we are facing a shortage of cooking oil when our land is basically covered with oil palm. There is speculation that the subsidy has not been paid to the refineries.

The supermarket owners are obviously unhappy with the government's plan to establish the 1Malaysia Kedai Runcit ( grocery stores) across the country.

They said that if the 1Malaysia groceries are selling at the same prices as the supermarket then they have no problem with that.

They feel that if they (1Malaysia groceries) start to sell much cheaper than the supermarkets then they might as well close shop and move on to other business.

The government is very unfair because we have been asked to renovate and beautify our supermarkets and now they want to create the 1Malaysia groceries.

This is telling to just close shop but without saying so.

EDWIN BOSI is Sabah DAP secretary.

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

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