Rabu, 28 September 2011

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

PERKASA ancam lagi protes terhadap Mat Sabu

Posted: 28 Sep 2011 10:36 PM PDT

PERKASA Negri Sembilan memberi amaran akan menganjurkan lebih banyak protes ke atas Mohamad Sabu jika timbalan presiden PAS itu berani menjejakkan kakinya di negeri berkenaan untuk menyampaikan ceramah.

NONEKetua PERKASA negeri itu, Mohd Noor Nordin Abdullah berkata beliau sendiri akan mengetuai protes terhadap Mohamad atau lebih popular dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu, jika pemimpin parti Islam itu enggan memohon maaf berhubung kenyataannya mengenai peristiwa Bukit Kepong.

"Saya beri jaminan buat protes terhadap tindakan Mat Sabu, memperlekehkan anggota polis dan keluarga mereka terkorban dalam serangan pengganas komunis.

"Protes ini bukan hanya disertai PERKASA negeri sahaja, malah melibatkan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang kesal dengan kenyatan Mat Sabu," kata di Rahang, Seremban dipetik akhbar Sinar Harian.

NONEAmaran itu dikeluarkan selepas pergaduhan tercetus pada ceramah Mat Sabu ceramah di Ampangan, Seremban Sabtu lalu. Pada kejadian itu dua penyokong PAS cedera selepas mereka cuba menghalang ahli PERKASA daripada mara menuju ke pentas ceramah.

Bertindak liar

Mat Sabu menimbulkan kontroversi selepas beliau pada ucapan pada 21 Ogos lalu memuji Mohamed Indera, seorang pemimpin pemberontak yang mengetuai serangan ke atas balai polis Bukit Kepong pada tahun 1950, sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan.

Kenyataan itu telah menimbulkan perdebatan hangat di seluruh negara berhubungan perjuangan kemerdekaan negara. Tetapi Mat Sabu mempertahankan kenyataannya dengan mendakwa bahawa mereka yang berada di balai polis ketika itu berkhidmat kepada kerajaan Inggeris.

Fracas during Mohd Sabu ceramah at SerembanMengulas pergaduhan Sabtu lalu, ketua penerangan Pemuda PAS Riduan Mohd Nor dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata PERKASA sengaja cuba menimbulkan suasana huru-hara.

"PERKASA sengaja membiarkan ahli dan penyokongnya bertindak liar bagi menghangatkan suasana supaya penyokong PAS pula bertindak balas.

Sepak terajang politik

"PAS telah lama bergelumang dalam politik, dan tahu asam garam serta sepak terajang politik tanahair. Ahli-ahli PERKASA tidak perlu mencetuskan provokasi yang akhirnya nanti menjerat ahli-ahli dan PAS sendiri.

perkasa protest in mat sabu seremban ceramah 250911 injured pas supporter hadi"PAS telah lama mentarbiyah ahlinya supaya bersabar dan bertenang dalam situasi seperti ini sebagaimana PAS juga mentarbiyah ahlinya agar berjihad dan tidak gentar kepada sesiapa juga," katanya.

Menurut Riduan, menganggu program PAS serta memukul penyokong parti itu adalah tindakan penakut bagi mereka yang tidak mahu mencari kebenaran.

"PAS sama sekali tidak izinkan sebarang keganasan timbul di negara ini dan akan tetap istiqomah memilih jalan demokrasi bagi mendapatkan kuasa membentuk kerajaan.

"DPPM yakin rakyat telah mula membuka mata dan mencari kebenaran disebalik sejarah negara yang diselewengkan faktanya," katanya lagi.

PAS sangsi majoriti penduduk sokong tubuh Perbadanan Kg Baru

Posted: 28 Sep 2011 10:16 PM PDT

Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar (KWPKB) didesak mendedahkan butiran mengenai jumlah borang soal selidik berhubung cadangan penubuhan Perbadanan Pembangunan Kampungh Baru (PPKB), yang telah dipulangkan oleh penduduk.

Ketika membuat desakan tersebut, Dewan Pemuda PAS kawasan Titiwangsa (DPPKT) ingin tahu, daripada jumlah itu, berapakah jumlah keseluruhan penduduk asal Kampung Baru yang perlu diserahkan borang soal selidik berhubung cadangan penubuhan PPKB.

Timbalan ketua DPPKT, Mohd Shahir Abu Hassan berkata, kenyataan bahagian komunikasi KWPKB semalam menyebut 93.8 peratus pemilik setuju dengan penubuhan PPKB.

"DPPKT mempersoalkan adakah jumlah ini menggambarkan majoriti penduduk menyokong penubuhan perbadanan tersebut, sedangkan daripada maklumat yang diperolehi, hanya 30 peratus penduduk memulangkannya," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

DPPKT, tegasnya berpendapat, kementerian perlu mendedahkan jumlah keseluruhan borang soal selidik yang diterima.

"DPPKt juga berpendapat kementerian sepatutnya berusaha mendapatkan persetujuan penduduk, paling tidak 80 peratus daripada penduduk keseluruhannya.

"Ini kerana mereka adalah pemilik asal tanah Kampung Baru dan kerajaan berhasrat membangunkan tanah tersebut. Amat wajar kerajaan mendapatkan persetuju mereka dahulu sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan.

"Jika tidak ia dianggap sebagai mengambil hak penduduk tanpa kebenaran," tegas Mohd Shahir.

Menurutnya, pihak kementerian sendiri mengakui bermasalah untuk menghubungi pemilik kerana pelbagai faktor seperti pemilik yang telah meninggal dunia, pewaris yang tidak membuat tuntutan pusaka kecil, pemilik berada di luar Kuala Lumpur, pemilik sukar dihubungi serta kesukaran mendapatkan persetujuan sesama pemilik dalam satu lot.

"Jika demikian, apa perlunya rang undang-undang Perbadanan Kampung Baru dibacakan kali kedua di Parlimen pada bulan Oktober nanti?

"Bukankah ini menggambarkan cadangan kerajaan dibuat dalam keadaan terburu-buru sedangkan masih ramai pemilik belum dihubungi.

"Sepatutnya kerajaan bersabar sehingga majoriti penduduk dihubungi dan seterusnya mendapatkan persetujuan mereka dahulu, baru dibentangkan cadangan rang undang-undang Perbadanan Kampung Baru," katanya.

Mohd Shahir berkata, DPPKT tetap berpendirian bahawa kerajaan perlu membatalkan atau setidak-tidaknya menangguhkan usaha membawa rang undang-undang tersebut ke Parlimen Oktober nanti.

"Berikan ruang secukupnya buat penduduk Kampung Baru memberikan keputusan berhubung cadangan pembangunan ini," tambahnya.

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

Malaysiakini :: Surat

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Malaysiakini :: Surat

Hapus kuota bumiputra, Umno khianat Melayu

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 10:19 PM PDT

Dewan Pemuda PAS (DPPM) mengesa presiden Umno yang juga perdana menteri Malaysia menarik balik hasrat beliau yang mahu menghapuskan terus kuota bumiputra dan mengunakan sistem meritokrasi sebagai kaedah baru bagi mendesak usahawan itu untuk bersaing secara terbuka.

Penghapusan kuota bumiputra ini adalah satu pengkhianatan Umno kepada orang Melayu dan bukan masanya perkara ini dilakukan. Jika kuota dihapuskan, apa lagi yang tinggal sedangkan baki yang ada dari 30 peratus dahulu sebenarnya hanyalah tinggal 12.5 peratus sahaja.

Rakyat tidak lupa bahawa pada 2009, Najib jugalah orang yang bertanggungjawab menurunkan kuota ekuiti bumiputera daripada 30 peratus kepada 12.5 peratus dan menurunkan ekuiti bukan bumiputera daripada 25 peratus kepada 12.5 peratus.

Demi merealisasikan Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB) kuota bumiputra dimangsakan, sedangkan banyak lagi perkara lain yang belum dilakukan Umno sepanjang hampir 12 penggal pemerintahannya.

Kegagalan Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera (Teraju) di Jabatan Perdana Menteri memainkan peranannya menunjukan bahawa perdana menteri dan Umno tidak serius dalam menjaga hak dan kepentingan orang Melayu.

Cadangan mewujudkan Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Melayu Bersatu (MTEM) juga hanyalah satu helah untuk menunjukan bahawa mereka telah melakukan sesuatu sedangkan MTEM ini hanyalah dianggotai oleh ahli-ahli yang bernaung dalam Biro Ekonomi Umno yang terus menerus diberikan projek-projek khas oleh agensi Kerajaan.

DPPM menyeru agar rakyat dan NGO khususnya kalangan Melayu bangkit menentang dasar ini.

Jangan biarkan presiden Umno sekarang mengadai kepentingan Melayu demi meraihkan pelaburan asing dan juga meningkatkan kekayaan kroni-kroni beliau.

Rakyat wajib menolak Umno-BN dalam Pilihanraya akan datang jika mahu negara ini tidak digadaikan oleh pengkhianat.

Penulis adalah ketua penerangan dewan Pemuda PAS

JPJ perlu kawal, daftar kedai aksesori

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 10:11 PM PDT

Tinjauan yang dilakukan oleh Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) beberapa bulan lepas menunjukkan banyak kereta persendirian di Pulau Pinang bercermin gelap. Kami percaya kebanyakan pemandu ini telah diyakinkan oleh kedai aksesori kereta supaya memasang cermin gelap.

Tingkap penting untuk melindungi penumpang daripada panas terik matahari. Ia menapis sinaran ultraungu menjadikan pemanduan lebih selesa. Bagaimanapun, kenderaan bercermin gelap lebih mudah terdedah kepada perlanggaran bahagian belakang.

Cermin gelap cenderung menghalang pandangan lebih jauh keadaan lalu lintas kenderaan di belakang. Kereta yang mengikutinya tidak mampu untuk bertindak dengan segera terhadap halangan di jalan raya serta lambat untuk bertindak terhadap sebarang situasi.

Kecekapan mereka dalam membrek juga lemah dan kenderaan bercermin gelap sering dalam kebanyakan kes sering dilanggar dari belakang.

Ini merupakan alasan kenapa Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) tidak pernah meluluskan atau memperakui sebarang produk cermin gelap. Paras cermin gelap yang dibenarkan hanya 70 peratus (cermin depan) dan 50 peratus (cermin belakang dan tingkap tepi).

Sehubungan itu, CAP menggesa Bahagian Penguatkuasa JPJ supaya mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap pemilik kenderaan yang dipasang dengan tingkap dan cermin gelap.

Kedai aksesori yang menyediakan perkhidmatan itu juga perlu dikawal dan didaftarkan dengan JPJ dalam usaha untuk memastikan kedai-kedai ini mematuhi undang-undang.

Penulis adalah presiden Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP)

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Saving our rainforests should be a non-political matter

Posted: 28 Sep 2011 02:43 AM PDT

I refer to Foon Weng Lian's letter Stop clearing at Belum Temengor Forest Reserve which deserves serious consideration and much community support.

Efforts to save our endangered rainforests should be a non-political matter supported by all who love their country and want to stop the wanton destruction of the country's fast-disappearing rainforests.

Even if you need to transform rainforests into oil palm plantations could they not even spare the giant trees?

Some time ago a Swiss friend introduced me to the excellent Belum Eco Rainforest Resort, a tiny island run by a dedicated nature lover, Steve Khong, who knows the region well and facilitates scientists and nature lovers trying to enhance the place.

I was told there is a stretch of water 75km long and this man-made network of freshwater lakes with its clear water is only marred by the drowned and dead tree trunks that stand out from the surface of the water like tombstones that bear testimony to the demise of a once pristine rainforest.

This rainforest region despite drowned in and transformed by water has much eco-tourism potential and needs better protection from the few commercial activities especially the logging allowed to happen there.

From the coign of the small resort's balcony I had a panoramic view of the rainforest surroundings but soon realised something drastically wrong.

The landscape was verdant but tragically missing were the usually visible elegant tall straight trunks of trees and their impressive canopies that characterise a tropical rainforest.

The tall trees had obviously been logged and stumps lie where the entire trees once stood near others buried in water or logged before and after the inundation.

I felt sad because a rainforest without the old tall giant trees is like a tiger without its stripes or a seladang without its horns or a tropical sky without clouds.

A rainforest without tall giant trees does not look right though the renewed luxuriant groundcover may shelter more wildlife.

Secondary rainforests cannot compare with the real thing the original untouched virgin primary jungle.

It takes hundreds of years for rainforest giant trees to reach their maximal heights and they provide the habitats for the flora and fauna that make up the unique eco-diversity and wildlife of the rainforests.

They provide the natural equilibrium in the eco-system that facilitates the bio-diversity we have yet to fully understand.

Every now and then the media highlights the plight of the rainforests and their wildlife but meanwhile the trees are logged and the wildlife poached.

Until the government takes a stronger stance and stops all logging of the giant trees there is no hope for the giant trees in the Temengor area.

Other activities in the area need serious monitoring such as the spoilt sewerage system of an eco-resort in a part of Temengor that sees raw sewerage flow into the stream and into the lake where debris from logging activities turn the lake into a swamp-like place during the dry season.

Then there is the fish farm which has thousands of fish in the water but what happens to their waste?

The Orang Asli settlements still do not have decent sewerage and where do all their excrements and rubbish go?

The Belum-Temengor areas are reserves but reserved for who or what? It is not a disused mining pond but a pristine water catchment and nature reserve. It even has a royal name Royal Belum but where is the royal treatment?

Are Malaysians even aware of the existence of the reserves let alone be alarmed by the silent desecration of this region?

The potential for eco-tourism is huge but any visitor to the area will be shocked to see the ugly giant barges that ply the waters carrying giant logs from the interior to the road where lorries cart them away day and night.

It is shocking almost sacrilegious for the authorities to allow the desecration of the lake by the logging activity which apparently when I visited left debris all over the banks of their depot which also has workers' quarters.

If someone were to pillage their country's sacred treasures people would be up in arms.

Yet because the logging of giant trees is unseen and virtually undiscovered and probably unchecked, most Malaysians still do not know about the rapid loss of their priceless natural heritage.
Norway paid Indonesia a billion dollars to not log their rainforests.

Yet Al Jazeera reported recently about the renegades who still open up tracts of rainforests for gold-mining and other commercial activities.
Corruption was behind the betrayal and is this also the problem in Malaysia?

Many don't realise that secondary rainforests are not the same as primary rainforests which have irreplaceable bio-diversities and still keep a pharmacological treasury of undiscovered cures for human diseases and food sources.

The rainforests hold a greater value for eco-tourism and this is proven by the success of places such as Pemberton in Western Australia where people flock to see an old giant karri tree or the giant trees at Yellowstone National Park, not to mention the famous sequoia giants.

The Malaysian tualang tree is among the world's tallest giant trees that are home to the giant rock bees that produce the sought-after honey collected by Orang Asli but I was told one giant tree was felled near Lake Pedu.

Until the government and citizens appreciate their natural heritage the loggers will continue to ransack the rainforests unstopped and probably unstoppable because of their political connections.

Only the people supported by the politicians and vice versa stand a chance of stopping the renegades who rape the rainforests.

Malaysia needs to get serious about crimes against nature and especially stop those who use their political connections to exploit the rainforests and rob the people of nature's legacy through illegal or approved logging.

There should be an immediate stop to logging in rainforests.
There is no such thing as sustainable logging.

It is a myth and a lie because once you chop down a giant tree that has taken several generations to grow you cannot replace it.

Giant trees didn't grow up for logging but to provide the equilibrium for nature in the rainforests that are disappearing fast.

The Belum/Temengor reserves are priceless jewels in the crown of Perak's nature wonderlands and are home to the famous rafflesia flowers and the country's entire range of hornbills that can be seen in the hundreds during the early morning.

A group like Malaysian Nature Society has highlighted the plight of the Belum/Temengor reserves and more needs to be done by those who have the political clout to stop the destruction of the trees and rainforests.

I hope Malaysians will be more forthcoming in their care for their natural heritage, not only the wildlife but the irreplaceable giant trees and rainforests without which wildlife will not survive.

The area is also home to tigers and wild elephants can be seen crossing the lakes and foraging among the trees and road signs warn of their presence where long grass grow by the roadsides.

People take pains to protest in the streets against the violation of their electoral rights and I hope their collective concern will focus on the alarming rate of destruction of their rainforests that takes place in remote places and see them protesting more visibly against the wanton logging taking place every day.

Our protests should not become clichés fallen on deaf ears but must awaken the government and citizens to save the remnants of rainforests which once lost can never be replaced.

The Swiss Bruno Manser lost his life protecting the rainforests and the customary rights of the Penans to their land.
What will we do to do our part?

If we are upset over the treachery in giving foreigners citizenship illegally we should be upset that our giant trees are being logged and concessions are given without the slightest concern for the dwindling giant trees that are an integral part of the rainforests.

The betrayal against the country's priceless rainforests in allowing the giant trees to be felled is scandalous and must be stopped before all is lost.

The plight of the rainforests is a worthy cause that should prick the conscience of every Malaysian even those who destroy the giant trees.

Sin Chew appealing to victimhood

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 10:58 PM PDT

I wonder if Bob Teoh's reply to my latest column has done Sin Chew Daily and - in particular - CC Liew any service.

He began with Shuzheng's personal attack against me. Who is Shuzheng? Nothing but a Chinese answer to Ibrahim Ali, who believes every bit of Chinese culture to be superior. In fact, Shuzheng is worse than Ibrahim Ali, for the Perkasa leader at least has the guts to come out arguing - albeit to be laughed at - while Shuzheng only hides behind the computer screen venting his hatred at anyone that is not to his liking.

Any Chinese Malaysian who happens to champion the Bangsa Malaysia concept or be a Christian is invariably regarded by him as a 'sellout', and woe to those who carry a 'western' name - and that includes Teoh and me.

Paradoxically, Shuzheng's rancorousness and bitterness - evidenced by his maniacal attack on Hannah Yeoh - do not in the slightest reflect the 'very fine' Chinese culture that Shuzheng so longs for the entire world to appreciate. The malevolence in him/her alone is the biggest betrayal to his/her belief.

Anyway, this letter is not about Shuzheng but Teoh's defence of Sin Chew and CC Liew. It is however sorry for me to say that Teoh, despite the years of journalistic experience under his belt, may need to undertake a crash course on journalism, perhaps much more so than Johann Hari.

Do the mainstream media all over the world exist just to sustain the establishment as Teoh has claimed? This is news to me. In 1997, many of the mainstream newspapers in the UK - from the Sun to the Guardian - threw their weight behind Tony Blair's Labour Party, rather than backing the ruling Conservatives. The Guardian is especially known for being 'anti-Tory', which is no small feat considering that the Tories have dominated British politics for over three centuries.

In 2003, the Glasgow Herald of Scotland, voicing the concerns of the Glaswegians, was vociferously opposed to the War on Iraq pursued by the Blair government. It is also common for the left-leaning and liberal New York Times and the Los Angeles Times to go against the White House when the latter is perceived to be closing its mind.

Teoh's remark that 'the Wall Street Journal invariably is an apologist of Wall Street' is therefore most flabbergasting, for the Journal does always make its position clear not only on issues related to the stock market, but also to the US fiscal policy, even taking the government to task whenever necessary!

In the same vein, the Liberty Times of Taiwan is independence-leaning and often takes umbrage at President Ma Ying-jeou's reunification stance vis-a-vis China. With a daily circulation of 700,000, it is not only mainstream but also bent on changing the status quo.

I do not dispute the history of Sin Chew Daily (then known as Sin Chew Jit Poh) being made a sacrificial lamb on the eve of Operasi Lalang in 1987.

For Teoh's information, I led a small group of high school mates to visit the Sin Chew office in Taman Maju Jaya, Johor Baru, the following day to signify our solidarity with the daily that I had grown up and very much identified with. I suppose it was a relatively brave token of appreciation given the climate of fear engulfing the country at the time.

But what Sin Chew did suffer does not grant it the immunity from reproach. The Star, too, was a victim of Operasi Lalang, but the once critical and vocal English daily is now barely a shadow of its former self. At least Wong Chun Wai - deride him how one may - does not attempt to explain away his paper's failure as a watchdog by playing at victimhood!

Warped beyond recognition

If Teoh does read Chinese, he should go back and have a detailed study of Sin Chew's special edition on Najib Abdul Razak's 'ascension' to prime ministership in April 2009 - and that on Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's back in November 2003 - that was embarrassingly fulsome and unashamedly flattering.

If anything, the newspaper that once prided itself - and quite rightly so - as a voice of conscience is now warped beyond recognition, and appears only to have fallen victim to the Stockholm syndrome.

CC Liew and his close aides - as far as I know - were deadly against it when the then-flourishing Nanyang Press Holdings expressed its interest in buying the ailing Sin Chew Jit Poh in the mid 1980s. The reason? Market monopoly could snuff out the Chinese press industry.

Much water has passed under the bridge and it does look incredulous that the man who was once a firm believer in market competition has turned an apologist for one of the most concentrated patterns of media ownership in Asia.

It is kind of Teoh to provide Malaysiakini readers with a backgrounder to Sin Chew, but it does not explain the daily's degeneration of the present.

Perhaps Teoh can also do Sin Chew and CC Liew a favour by telling me why the best-selling newspaper in the country has allowed one of its deputy editors-in-chief to twist the contents of an Economist report for his own purposes, the editorial team to republish articles without the consent of the authors, and to permit funny names such as Little Media Soldier and the Little Red Riding Hood to pass for serious writers?

None of these practices can be said to be ethical and they form a phenomenon that one does not usually see in mainstream press around the world.

JOSH HONG studied politics at London Metropolitan University and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. A keen watcher of domestic and international politics, he longs for a day when Malaysians will learn and master the art of self-mockery, and enjoy life to the full in spite of politicians.

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

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