Rabu, 14 September 2011

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P Pinang sokong tubuh peronda sukarela

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 10:11 PM PDT

Pulau Pinang telah mencatat penurunan kadar jenayah yang paling besar di Malaysia - sebanyak 27 peratus tahun lalu dan penurunan 25 peratus untuk tempoh enam bulan pertama tahun ini, kata Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng.

"Antara faktor penurunan kadar indeks jenayah adalah kerjasama dan sumbangan gigih Pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), khususnya Ketua Polis Negeri, Datuk Wira Ayub Yaakob, pemasangan kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di lokasi yang kerap mengalami jenayah dan juga kepolisan masyarakat.

"Kepolisan masyarakat adalah satu syarat penting untuk menjaga keselamatan awam. Demi memastikan kadar jenayah boleh terus menurun, maka kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Pulau Pinang akan menyokong penubuhan Pasukan Peronda Sukarela (PPS) untuk membantu pihak polis menjalankan rondaan," kata Lim dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Katanya, sokongan PPS dengan pihak polis diharap dapat mengekalkan kententeraman awam dan menjadikan Pulau Pinang negeri paling selamat di Malaysia yang sedikit sebanyak akan membolehkan Pulau Pinang terus menjadi pilihan utama pelabur dan pelancong.

"Antara objektif penubuhan PPS ini adalah untuk membantu pihak berkuasa Keselamatan dalam menangani kegiatan atau aktiviti sosial yang negatif di sesuatu kawasan termasuk membersihkan kawasan daripada anasir dadah," katanya.

Selain itu, tegas Lim, penubuhan PPS juga sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu PDRM mencegah dan membanteras jenayah, dengan bertindak sebagai pembekal maklumat, di samping menjalin hubungan kerjasama kejiranan yang erat di kalangan anggota masyarakat tempatan.

"Sehingga 14 September 2011, terdapat 40 pasukan dengan 840 ahli. PPS ditubuhkan sebagai langkah untuk memastikan kebajikan dan keselamatan masyarakat dan rakyat negeri Pulau Pinang tidak dipinggirkan," katanya.

Ramlah Adam: British benar-benar jadi penasihat

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 09:58 PM PDT

Ahli akademik pro-Umno Datuk Ramlah Adam menegaskan, polis yang berkhidmat ketika tragedi Bukit Kepong bukan polis British, sebaliknya berkhidmat dengan negeri Melayu yang berdaulat.

ramlah adam 150911 perkasaKatanya, pada zaman itu, British benar-benar menjadi penasihat kepada raja-raja Melayu dan arahannya tidak lagi mesti diikuti, berbeza dengan keadaan ketika Perjanjian Pangkor dimeterai pada tahun 1874.

"British buat perjanjian bertulis dengan raja-raja Melayu bahawa mereka ketua negeri masing-masing. Dan bila dilantik menteri besar, yang lantik menteri besar sultan, yang lantik pegawai kerajaan sultan.

"British hanya British adviser (penasihat British). Buat kali pertamanya British adviser memang betul-betul adviser, berbeza dengan Perjanjian Pangkor 1874 yang ditulis bahawa nasihat itu mesti diikuti," katanya.

Bercakap dalam forum Mat Indera di Kuala Lumpur malam tadi, Ramlah berkata, selepas orang Melayu menolak Malayan Union dan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dibentuk pada tahun 1948, raja-raja Melayu telah dipulangkan kuasa mentadbir negeri dan jajahan takluknya.

amin iskandar article 291008 merdeka"Hanya Kuala Lumpur bawah British (ketika itu)," tambahnya.

Sehubungan itu, katanya, dakwaan Timbalan Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu bahawa polis pada masa itu bekerja untuk British dan Tunku Abdul Rahman sebagai pegawai British adalah "sangat salah".

"British hanya berkuasa dalam pentadbiran, bukan kedaulatan. Ini kejayaan Melayu terbesar, tolak penguasaan British melalui Malayan Union," katanya.

[Berita penuh menyusul]

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

Malaysiakini :: Letters

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Malaysiakini :: Letters

Colonialism by any other name is still colonialism

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 01:30 AM PDT

Debates in post-colonial countries over who really led the independence struggle are nothing uncommon.

The Filipinos recently commemorated the centenary of the birth of their official national hero, Jose Rizal.

The occasion reignited an old debate as to whether the country's hero of independence should really be the radical plebian, Andres Bonifacio (who led the 1896 revolt against Spanish colonialism), rather than Rizal (who actually opposed the resurrection).

The latest phase of this old controversy in our country was unfortunately marred by a high degree of political partisanship.

But even for those of us who for this reason refrained from entering the fray, there was one statement by a protagonist in the debate which cannot go unchallenged.

This is the startling claim by a history professor that our country was never really colonised by the British.

"Startling" because it implies that all those who resisted British intervention were fighting a chimera.

"Startling" because it suggests that people like Maharaja Lela who led a revolt against the British were suffering from some hallucination.

The basis for this claim is that according to colonial juridical theory the Malay states were "protected" states as distinct from colonies.

Zainal Kling, the professor in question, claimed that Malaya had in fact "never been colonised" and was only a "protectorate" of the British.

"Being a protectorate is not the same as being colonised ... Only three states were colonised - Singapore, Malacca and Penang ... Stop saying (Malaya) was colonised for 400 years. That is a big mistake," he said.

Mistake indeed! The learned professor is obviously ignorant of the fact that as far back as 1935 Rupert Emerson, a Professor of Government at Harvard University, had in his study on "Malaysia" (which is aptly subtitled "A Study in Direct and Indirect Rule") shown up this so-called distinction to be nothing more than a piece of legal fiction. As the American don noted:

"Unfortunately, there is neither simplicity nor straightforwardness about the concept of the protectorate or the protected State... The obvious difficulty is that the device of the protectorate has been a very useful one for the Powers in their imperialist exploits and they have not hesitated to twist it in any direction which would suit their immediate purposes.

"In its origins the establishment of a protectorate has very frequently been no more than a preliminary to the establishment of full colonial rule, a device utilised because of its greater economy and its more tentative, but still sufficiently conclusive, character in relation to third States.

"In other instances, as in the Federated Malay States, a virtually complete colonial administration has been set up but the form of the protectorate has for one reason or another been retained. Given such situations, in which words are often used to conceal rather than to explain the reality, it is difficult to arrive at any final and satisfactory terminology or definitions which do more than skim the legal surface.

"But of one thing one may be sure: what is being protected is the interest of the protecting State and of the economic groups within it which profit from imperialism." (Emphases added.)

Further, Emerson goes on to point out that even Lord Lugard, the creator of the system of indirect rule in Nigeria, had admitted that "the distinction between the two is now without practical difference", while a Dutch authority had bluntly declared in 1916 that "the colonial protectorate must be regarded as a disguised colony."

It is indeed astonishing that an American academic could see through this piece of colonial sophistry in the 1930s while a professor in a Third World country which has been independent for more than 50 years is still perpetuating such myths.

It can only be explained by the persistence of colonial thinking in our universities and the enduring hold that colonial scholarship continues to have on the curricula.

It was in an attempt to highlight this problem that we in Citizens International organised an international conference in June this year on "Decolonising Our Universities". While the effort was indeed fruitful, it is clear that that there is still a lot of work to be done.

SM Mohamed Idris is the chairman of Citizens International.

Now not everyone can fly AirAsia

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 12:52 AM PDT

Once upon a time , AirAsia's slogan was 'Now everyone can fly.'

But nowadays this no longer holds true. In the beginning, AirAsia was really making a serious effort to enable everyone to fly on the no frills airline.

Fares were not only cheap for those who purchased their tickets in advance. Also there were no hidden costs and the total fares after taxes were cheap and really affordable to the man in the street.

In fact if you were lucky enough the tickets you bought could even be cheaper than the cost of the ticket for a long haul bus.

Not only were there cheap tickets but there were a lot of extras that normal airlines did not provide.

Senior citizens above 60 were given priority of boarding, you could select any seats of your choice, there was no such thing as fuel surcharge added to the cost of the ticket.

In short, there were no hidden costs.

But AirAsia , nowadays cannot boast of its 'now everyone can fly' slogan because its concept has been totally altered.

Now, its policy is to charge for everything. Senior citizens no longer have the privilege of boarding first. If you want to board first you have to pay for priority boarding. If you want to select your favourite seats you have to pay for it.

Just you think that is the end of it, you are hit with another cost. It's call processing fees for using a credit card for your online booking.

It seems that the credit card company commission is even passed to the passenger in the guise of processing fees.

The moral of the story is that we should no longer be deceived by the AirAsia slogan of 'Everyone can fly'.

Maybe its time travellers should revert back to our national carrier MAS. At least there are no hidden costs and what you pay is transparent.

And if you are a golfer the more reason why you should travel MAS because they don't charge you for your golf bags whereas AirAsia charges RM50 for that extra luggage. And if you are a handicapped person, please be aware that AirAsia charges RM15 for using their wheel chair.

Lastly, MAS provides you the luxury of boarding and landing using an air bridge whereas with AirAsia, you have to be content with climbing up and down a gangway to board and disembark your flights.

The reason? Because AirAsia can save paying the airport authorities for using the facility at the expense of discomfort to the paying customers.

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

Malaysiakini :: Berita

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Malaysiakini :: Berita

10,000 pengundi kes 'MyKad palsu' dikeluarkan - PAS

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 10:53 PM PDT

Pemuda PAS mendakwa Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) dalam tempoh dua bulan telah mengeluarkan nama lebih 10,000 pengundi yang dikaitkan dengan kes kad pengenalan palsu.

NONEPengerusi pemulihan demokrasi dan mobilisasi dewan itu Suhaizan Kaiat berkata, perkara itu dikesan setelah pihaknya rancak mengenalpasti keraguan dalam daftar pemilih.

"Bukan mudah untuk sesuatu jabatan kerajaan menjejaki lebih 10,000 kes kad pengenalan palsu dalam waktu dua bulan.

"Persoalannya apakah JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) sememangnya sudah memiliki senarai kad pengenalan palsu yang akan dimasukkan dalam daftar pemilih SPR untuk tujuan manipulasi pilihan raya?" soalnya.

Pada sidang media di pejabat PAS di Kuala Lumpur hari ini, Suhaizan turut mengedarkan senarai sepuluh nama bagi membuktikan dakwannya.

Ia melibatkan kes di Selangor, Perak dan Johor yang telah didedahkan sebelum ini.

[Berita penuh menyusul]

Umno S'gor saman PAS berhubung serbuan JAIS

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 10:52 PM PDT

Umno Selangor hari ini memfailkan saman terhadap setiausaha agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali dan lima lagi responden berhubung dakwaannya Umno menjadi dalang serbuan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) terhadap premis Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC) bulan lalu.

umno saman pas, harakahSaman itu menuntut pampasan RM10 juta dari setiap responden berhubung kenyataan Mustafa itu yang disiarkan oleh akhar rasmi PAS - Harakah - serta menuntut pemohonan maaf untuk disiarkan dalam akhbar berkenaan.

Lima lagi responden ialah Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang; Mohamad Sabu (timbalan presiden), Angkatan Edaran Enterprise (pencetak), Ahmad Lutfi Othman (ketua pengarang Harakah) dan wartawan Khairul Azlam Mohamad.

Bagaimanapun, Hadi dan Mohamad dianggap sebagai satu responden kerana kedua-duanya mewakili pemimpin tinggi PAS dalam saman tersebut.

Selangor Umno liaison committee secretary Mohd Zin MohamedSetiausaha Perhubungan Umno Selangor, Datuk Seri Mohd Zin Mohamed memfailkan saman tersebut di pejabat pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam kira-kira jam 11.50 pagi ini.

Menurut saman tersebut, Mustafa - yang juga pemegang permit Harakah - didakwa mengeluarkan "kata-kata fitnah" yang diterbitkan dalam Harakah edisi bertarikh 19 Ogos hingga 21 Ogos 2011.

Artikel itu bertajuk 'Pas akan dedah bukti, Umno main peranan operasi JAIS'.

"Tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut tersebut sangat serius di mana menyebabkan kehinaan dan keaiban kepada plaintif oleh khalayak ramai dan masyarakat awam, baik di Malaysia dan antarabangsa," saman itu dipetik.

Umno Selangor juga turut memohon injunksi mahkamah untuk menghalang Mustafa - defenden pertama - atau pembantunya atau ejennya daripada menerbit atau menyebabkan penerbitan "kata-kata fitnah" itu di media cetak atau elektronik.

Dalam sidang media selepas itu, Mohd Zin berkata saman terpaksa diambil oleh Umno negeri itu untuk mempertahankan diri walaupun pihaknya beberapa kali menyatakan kesediaan untuk menyelesaikan di luar mahkamah dengan permohonan maaf.

Tetapi, katanya, tawaran itu ditolak oleh PAS.

Sehubungan itu, katanya, mahkamah menetapkan 28 September ini sebagai tarikh pengurusan kes saman tersebut.

Kredit: www.malaysiakini.com

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